S3 E4 - Triggers

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Lia's POV:

"Welcome back!" Everyone yells.

"Awww, you guys!"
Me and Jack come up the stairs to the station, seeing everyone surrounding the table, surprising me.

"We're so happy to finally have you back." Bobby says as he walks over to me.

"It only took like almost twelve weeks." I laugh, and hug him.

"We missed you here. Never the same without you." Chim tells me.

"I missed being here too. I literally cannot function without you guys." I say.

"I will say, I enjoyed the quietness." Eddie jokes.

"Hey! Be nice." Hen says, hitting Eddie's arm.

"I missed you too, Eddie." I chuckle, hugging him as well. "Well? What are we waiting for? Let's get this party started!" I cheer.

They clap and cheer, and Hen guides me over to the cake on the table.

"Ta da! Your cake!" She says excitedly.

On the cake, written in bold letters, says "Welcome Back!" And in parenthesis, "(again)".

I laugh as I read the cake, and feel a hand push my head into it. Frosting covers my face, and I hear laughter all around

"Oh, ho, ho, ho, no you didn't." I say, wiping the frosting away from my eyes.

I turn around, seeing Eddie and Chim standing right behind me, laughing.

I grab a fistful of frosting, and chuck it at the two of them. I chase them around, wiping the frosting on their necks and arms.

Jack pulls me aside, stopping me, and takes a napkin to wipe the remaining frosting off my face.

"Hi, love." He whispers.

"Hello, thank you." I tell him.

"Of course." He takes his finger, wiping some off my nose, and licks it off.

"Mmm, sexy." I giggle. "I love it."

"And I love you."

The two of us kiss, canceling out everything around us, living in our own world.

Chim interrupts us by coughing, and we pull apart. I pat my lips and brush hair strands out of my face as Jack clears his throat.

"Anyways... I know this is your welcome back party and all, but we're going to have a fire drill at some point today. I'm not sure when, but it could be like around now." He tells me.

"No worries, that is what I have been missing. The rush of adrenaline, and the little scare I get every time the alarm goes off." I say.

Just then, the alarm goes off, and I feel the insides of me jump.

"Well, there it is!" I laugh.

I go to run down the stairs, but turn back around to kiss Jack.

"Love you, be safe." Jack says, kissing me.

"Jack, it's just a drill." I tell him.

"I know, I know. But how can I not say that when I'm dating you."

"Ha, ha, very funny. Love you too." I laugh, running back down the stairs.


"My God, that's the biggest damn fire I've ever seen." Chim says.

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