~Chapter one~

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~The story of the multiverse~

"A long time ago, when this world didnt exist.
Our god created a world named Undertale.
When it was created... a few little Au's start appering.
With that two gods were born from the light and dark of this world.

First one, the god of light,  with powers of creation, positivity and life.

Secund was his opposite, the god of dark with powers of destruction, negativity and death.

That was their main powers and ofcurse they had many others.

They starts taking care of this world and shaping it in harmony, both of them together working hand in hand.

But one day... the god of light goes ill... the powers of the multiverse crushing him. The god of dark dont know what to do... hes also ill and theyr powers are limited.

So he takes his soul and rip a part of the power...creating a new soul out of the ripped part.

After he does so he gives the soul a body... creating the god of death...

Naming him Reaper.

After he did so he shows his creation to his partner, the god of light does the same... creating the godness of life.
And naming her Life (becuse he just like it and hes kinda tired to think of something normal)

With their powers now splitted they are less eaxhausted and owerhelmed, and they contunie their work, with their new 'helpers' on their side.

But one day... they got sick again... and this time too ill to do anithing, the god of light is too broken and ill, he cant even stand... and the god of dark is crushed too...

A savior comes... a mortal that makes a deal with them.. taking theyr power and splitting it...

But sadly the god's souls arent strong enought and they both die in the process...

Thats how the main gods: Reaper, Life, Dream, Nightmare, Ink and Error were created... and we ofcurse cant forget about our big savior... The king of the multiverse how we call him now...

we just hope our creators and fathers reached their piece..."

Ink close the book and looks at blue,
"Can ya tell me why do you always force me to read it to you?"

Blue chuckles and looks at ink
"Becuse you are the best reader! Your voice is so calming..."

Dream who just come back from the forest with sticks ynd wood smiles.
"Indeed you are! I love to listen to your voice"

Ink looks at both of them and put the book down while dream starts preparing new fire
"But why this book? You have million of other choices! But always you want to read this."

Blue thinks for a minute and then answers
"I just hope... maybe the 'first gods' are still alive somewhere... maybe they just fall into deep sleep like Outer said!"

"Thats justa theory..." said ink and stood up "Outer isnt even god! He has no idea how things work between gods."

Blue looks at him angrily
"i just like to hope okay! Let me hope!"
"Ok ok" said ink and chuckles.

Ink looks at dream
"How long will we be camping?"
"We are not camping, we are waiting for nightmare and his group to show up" responds dream

"We are here like three days already, and living in forest, so technically we are camping." Said ink, trying to sound like some wery inteligent person.

Blue laught but dream dont and looks at ink with frustrated face
"So how long-" ink tryed to ask again but dream little angrily said "until nightmare showes up"

When dream turns around ink mimics his face and sits down
"I see no point in waiting for nightmare here, just becuse Error once said name of this new Au doesnt mean they will attack here"

Dream looks at him "just in case." And ink mumbled under his breath "we could be at home in piece drawing but we need to be here becuse dream just needs to kill nightmare"
"What did you said?" Ask dream with curious look
"Nothing." Said ink and sits down.

~End of Chapter one~

Im sooo happppy to finish this! Thank you for reading this chapter and we will see each other at the next one! (This is my first book please dont hateeee)

●《 Our Souls aren't Pure 》● [Underverse]Where stories live. Discover now