~Chapter six~

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~Enemies or Friends?~

Killer has been asleep for another day... then he finnaly wakes up, and hes fully back to normal. Like nothing happened at all...

Killer is a calm and nice guy, even thought hes sometimes too energic for some people... he likes to annoy people and hes always flirting with everybody for fun... Killer is kinda short (not shorther than Dust, nobady is shorther than Dust) he always wears a big jacket with fur similar to Horror and his biggest simbolism is hate coming from his pure black eyes like black tears... he has black hair and always his big grin, he mostly fights with Red Knife that he can summon whatever he wants...
He has the most problems with his emotions in the whole group...

Nightmare once told Cross that Killer has problems with his soul, his soul is not a heart like normally but a red target, his soul is out of his body and wery noticable...
Becuse of that... Killer cant really feel much emotions or control them in ani way... when he is lucky or emotional his soul glitches to heart shape and works like a normal soul, exept its more fragile.

(My Au is wery different so yeah... dont hate pls)

But enought thinking about Killer.... Cross sights.

Cross walks to Nightmares office and knock on his door,

"Yes Cross?" Said Nightmare and opens the door

"How.... how the hell did ya know it was me?!"
Said Cross with wery cofused voice

Nightmare sights,
"I can feel your emotions dummy"

".... oh i forgot" Cross feels little emberassed,

"Can i go out?" asks Cross with puppy eyes,

"Okay... just be careful and try to avoid the star shits..."
Nightmare looks with worried look as the portal behind Cross close up.

(Time skip)

Cross is sitting on a roof of a big house in Outertale,
Outertale is a beutiful place, its in the space and you can see so many stars and even other planets here, even Error loves it here and he hates everything.

As Cross sits there and is watching the stars, a little portal from ink appears suddently next to him and the smily god of creation jumps out and sits next to him.

"Ink?! What the hell you want?" Said Cross and moves a few centimetres away from Ink.

"Im just here to chill and talk to my friendo Cross!" Said ink and smiles,

"We are not friends... you are a Star... im a Bad guy..."
Said Cross confused... did ink forgot?

"To be honest i dont really care... i dont hate you nor anibody wery much..."

"You... dont hate me?... but im your enemy!"

Ink lyes down on the roof and smiles
"Im a God, i had lived thousands of years. I had Fight million of times, i had made lot of enemies, and lot of friends... Dream hates Nightmare and the rest of you, i dont. I dont care about you people in person. I care about the things you do"

Cross listens... this Ink is so differend from the Ink he knows from his home multiverse

"The next time we will meet at battle grand you will be my enemy, now you are nothing but one of many people i care about in this multiverse... i dont hate you, but i will understand if you hate me"

"No no! I just... you really dont hold hate? What about Nightmare or Error?"

"Nope... i dont think that Nightmare is pure bad person, i think all of you are just lost souls that try to find a way to fit in...
But i hate one person..."

"And that is?" Asks Cross curiously,

"I hate King..." Ink said and stops smiling,

"Why him?... you dont hate anobody other... but you hate The King of the Multiverse?" Said Cross, it didnt make ani sanse to him, Ink was working side by side with King, same as Error, Dream, Nightmare, Reaper and more...

"He took something wery important from me ya know... welp i need to go, i feel that Error is destroying again... Bye Cross!"
Said Ink and smile before jumping into the ink and teleports away,

"Bye..." Cross said... still wery cofused, what was the thing King took from Ink?

And why did Ink always acted so happy and... fake... Cross feels like Ink had just opened a door to the real him for Cross to look into... just a little... but still.

(Ink's POV)

Ink lyes down on his bed... "that was a dumb lie to say to Cross i 'feel Error'.... i needed to get away.... i dont wanna talk about it.... dgifecchjktesggrs" ink thinks while holding his pillow at his face and wildly kicking the bed... "im one of the worst exuse of a god.... im useless... pathetic..." Thats one of the endless reasons he hates king... he never be a good enought for a god.

~ End of Chapter six ~

I hope you enjoyed and we finnaly found some stuff about our favorite ink ;3 see ya next time! (And tell me if you would like me to contunie this story)

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