~Chapter Twenty five~

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~ Gods, beings made of hatred, and love ~

404 walks through the black void, still weak and a little bit sick, he didn't wanted to take this job but the King told him to do it so he had to.

He stops when he sees a small hillock with a tree on it, in the middle of the void... He knows that this is just a memory... A illusion that he made to feel like home.

"What is the kings right hand doing here? In nothingness...."

404 looks around but he dont see him
"The King himself told me to go talk with you about a deal"

"A deal you say?" Said the other god and laught

"Yes a deal... His majesty believes that Nightmare is misbehaving. He wants you to go calm him down" 404 is nervous... Its hard to deal with him... And 404 himself is not in a state to use force...

"What would you give me in Exchange?"

"What do you want?"
404 knows that whatever he wants won't be something easy to give.

"A weapon to kill a god."

"... You know i cant give you that right?" 404 is nervous... On which side is he? And what does he even truly want?

"I was just playing around~ i know you cant give me that~"

"Then what is your wish?" 404 stands tall, hoping that hes making himself look more of a authority.

"Hmmm... I want a proper place by the table of gods."

404 looks at Midnight with rezigration and sights... Ofcurse he wants to have proper place by the table... This wobt be easy.

(Somewhere in the multiverse)

It's raining as usual in this Au, the sun is coming out, and a priest of 'the church of birth and death', one of the biggest churches who give sacrifices to the two first gods, wakes up.

He dresses and takes his umbrella, walking through the small city to the big church on the end, getting ready on the morning services.

Half way there the rain finally stops and the priest puts his umbrella away, the ground is wet and the air is pretty heavy after rain, the sun shines and it's truly a nice day...

He unlocks the door of the church and walks in, puts his things in one room and goes to prepare stuff for the morning services which will be in half an hour.

When he walks to the chapel, he sees a person putting flowers on the statues of the two gods.

If it was a random person he would stop him, but he knows very well who this was.

And the priest had no couruge to say anithing in the presence of the god of death.

Reaper puts flowers in all four hands of the god of Darkness, and then puts a shining cristal in the hands of the god of light.

He smiles with a little sad expression and bows down to them, then he looks at the priest with a smile and teleports away.

(Back at the castle)

Cross wakes up and goes to eat breakfast, everybody are already eating exept... Boss?

"Wheres boss?" Cross asks, its rare for the god of negativity to sleep in...

"When i left he was still sleeping." Said Killer and take a bite off his toast

"Okay... But thats pretty... Weird you know? Shouldnt we go wake him up?"

Dust looks at him and chuckles,
"If we dont wake him up he will be angry but if we do... He will murder the one touching him."

"Exept Killer." Said Horror and everybody look at Killer,

"So because I date Boss, i will do everything now?"

Cross looks at Dust and Dust looks at Horror who looks at Cross...

They all said then Cross contunies,
"You are the only one boss wont murder"

"Oki oki. But you will go with me"

They all stand up and go up the stairs, Killer opens the bedroom and the three boys look from behind him...

They see a person... They look like boss, but the goop on their face is gone and a lighter skin with purple eye is reavealed... Also their hair is slighty purple on the ends and their tentackles slighty white on the ends... They are also smaller?...

"W-what... Boss?... Or what happened-" Killer mumbled out and the person who is most likely their boss gives them a smile, their torquise eye closed while the purple open.

"Oh hey~ i always wanted to meet you properly~"

The boys stare at their boss or... Who was it?... Then Dust summons gaster blaster and almost hits their boss

"Okay okay... Calm down kiddos. This is still your boss's body so you don't wanna hurt it."

All four of them stare at the guy before them, demanding explanation.

Then the guy grabs his head like he is in pain and growl, then he covers his purple eye with his hand and his voice turns to sound like their boss.

"Get the fuck out! Im not dealing with your shit now!"

A few minutes after those two voices switched very fast, the boys had no idea what to do... It seems like Nightmare and that other person argue and after like hour they finnaly calm down.

Killer stares at them,
"I think that you got lot to explain Boss..."

Nightmare looks at the boys and sights
"Yes i do..."

~ End of Chapter Twenty five ~

The story explained in next chapter.

(915 words)

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