~Chapter three~

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~pain, blood and tears of destruction~

Error fall on the floor and covers his face,
"Wĥāţ ṭĥę f-fūçķ 4-404....āŕę ÿ-ƴøų çŕäżƴ¡?"
Error was glitching badly, and yelling at 404 standing above him.

"Dont forget you are talking to the Kings right hand... destructor"
Said 404 throught his teeth... and kick Error a little.

Error starts glitching even more "ā-âñđ ÿ-ŷ-ƴōų ɗø-ḍōṅț f-f-føŕĝęț ă-ą-ãɓöùț mỳ H-Ĥãpĥĕphøɓįą!"

(Haphephobia is fear from touch)

"I dont give a shit about your phobia! Calm yourself and do your work you filthy destructor!" Said 404 angrily and kicks Error one more time... opens a portal and leaves from the anti-void.

Error slowly crawls to his sofa-bean bag thing.... he lyes there and cryes for some time, while glitching badly.... "it hurts.... it hurts so much... but nobady will come... nobady will save me... im alone... all alone..."

all these thought come in Errors mind while he was slowly rebooting... but nobady come

(Time skip)

After he calms down he stands up and goes to do his job... trying to find glitches and destroy them,

He summons his blue graph and goes throught it unless he finds a glitch in one of many copy's of Underfell and teleports there, after while he starts slowly destroying the Au when Ink, Dream and Blue showes up,

After a short fight where Error gets injured again, Error gives up and teleports away... supporting himself with his blue strings.
After he gets home or... anti-void, he sits down and starts healing himself.

"Shit this hurts... since when Dreams arrows work on other people than Nightmare?..." the god of detruction sights and lyes down... pain is part of his life, its normal.

After two hours of wery calm sleep, error hears a voice,
"Heya Error!" Error wakes up in shock
"Ẅĥãţ ţĥe fųçƙ Ŕeąpêr?!"

"Im sorry! im sorry... i forgot how easily you freak out"
Reaper smiles guilty...

Reaper is a middle-hight tall, he has long black hair, and long, old black robe... his gray wings are making him look even more like a penguin... hes one of the oldest gods and he always carryes a big scythe on his side... hes a nice guy, but clumsy.

Error takes few deep breaths and looks angrily at Reaper
"W-whāt thę fūcƙ d-do ƴoų w-w-waŋť?" Asks Error angrily

"I just wanted to ask how are you?"

"I jüst ğot scoldēd bÿ 404, almøst kilłed ɓy Iñk, Fŕesh is añn-noying mę whøle daÿs aŋd i cänt get ŕid of hịm.."
Error points at Fresh who is wrapped in Errors blue strings and hanging in the air
"...aŋd everÿbođy hatəs me... besiđes that eveŕything is fiñe wĥat aɓout you?"
Error said the last sentance wery ironically.

"Error... you know Geno told you, you can visit ani time and he can help yo-"


Reaper is little bit shocked so he shuts up

"I hăte yøu! I hāte Ink! I hațe Gėno! I hate Frəsh! I hațe Kiŋg, i hațe 404... I H4TE EVEŔYBØDY!.... i doñt waṅt yøur hęlp! Im hâppy alonə...."

Reaper nods and turns around... "if you change your mind then call me or Geno okay?..." he said and opened portal out the anti-void

...Error lyes down and crandles into a ball... in reality he cares a lot about Geno... but he hates.... himself... thats the thruth. He was born like a destructor, he could only hurt them by his presence.

(Reapers POV)

Reaper opens the portal to 'Genos void' where he sits down on the sofa while Geno is talking to Core, after that geno looks at Reaper

"How it went?"

"Still nothing... he is locked in his head... we need to give him time..."

Geno looks at Reaper and sights
"Error is not a child, and we already give him more than ten thousends years..."

"I know... lets just hope"

~ End of Chapter three ~

I know this is shorther and sorry but i think this is all we need to know about error for now! Bye and see each other at the next chapter!

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