~Chapter twelve~

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~ Angry and broken Soul ~

Cross wakes up in the middle of the night, he stands up and goes to drink some water.

He sleepily walks and opens the door of his room and carefuly comes down the stairs, as quet as possible becuse he dont want to wake anibody up, he wery carefully walks around Horrors room, he knows that Horror has wery light sleep and Cross knows that Nightmare wont be happy if he wakes anibody up.

When he walks in the kitchen he sees that the light is on and Error is sitting at the table drinking hot chocolite,

They look at each other for few secunds, and god, Error looks awful... he has messy hair, his big round glasses, big circles under his eyes and he looks like he didnt had shower in days.

Error looks angrily at Cross
"W-wĥāt th-hę fūc-çk do y-y-ÿōu wañṭ?¡¿!" Hes even glitching more than usual...

"I just come here to drink some water, I didnt know you will be here..." said Cross and goes to take a cup from one of the cabinets.

Error was always so... detached from them... Nightmare was the only one Error ever talk to in friendly way, he was avoiding the rest of Bad guys and never come to them to talk or hang up with them, Cross understands that Error is a God and has lot of work, but even somebody like Reaper (who is not at slightest part of the bad guys and shows up only if he wants to annoy Nightmare or tell his some stuff) talked with Cross more times than Cross talked to Error and Error was at the base every week or so...

Error doesnt even have a house, only the Anti-Void, the only time Cross had proper conversation with him was when Error 'kidnapped' him that time...

"S-şo?¿" Error looks at Cross, knowing that Cross wants to talk about something, Cross is too readible.

(I will again use this becuse its not so easy to do Errors glitching text, i hope you understand)

Cross looks at Error and sights,

"Did you take my words to your soul?" Cross looks at Error conserned, Error maybe more than 100 times more powerful and older than Cross, but still Cross feels like he is giving a lecture to a nughty child.

"... Ya cant leave my life alone can you?" Said Error and irritatedly starts drinking his hot choco again,

"You were the one that vented to me in the first place!"
Said Cross angrily and sits down by the table across to Error,

"I know you like to look strong and powerful... unbreakable... but you arent, are you?" Cross just wants to help Error, but he feels like all his trying is useless.

"You are like Nightmare, you both are acting like you have respondibility above me, i will be honest to you Cross becuse from all those idiots you are the smartest, i dont WANT protection, im fine on my own and i dont need you care about me, nor Nightmare to care."

There was silence, Error stands up and Cross looks irritated,

"Can i be honest?! You look awful! You probably havent sleep or shower in days! And you yet say you dont need us?! You cant even take care of your health withnout us reminding you! I had talked with Reaper and he thinks the same! Geno, Nightmare, Reaper, me and even Core! We are trying, but you keep pushing us away like we mean nothing at al-"

Cross get hit by a pillow in the face, when he recover from the shock he sees that Error is already gone and there is only a half empty cup of hot chocolite and few glitches left from his portal, that is left from him.

Cross sights and sits down drinking his water when a shadow appears behind him,

"Is the doggy sad becuse the kitten was angry?~"

"Eh- BOSS?!" Cross looks at Nightmare that just appeard there with a wide smile that seems kinda creepy,

"You scared me!" Said Cross shacking and breathing heavely as hes still recovering from the shock,

"Im sorry, i shouldn't scared you" said Nightmare and sits next to Cross, Nightmare hair is messy and he is in his pijamas, he seems tired.

"I think you should step away from his way Cross... Error directly said he dont want your help." Said Nightmare and goes to make himself tea,

Cross looks suprised of Nightmares words,
"How can you say that?! You know he needs our help-"

"I can take care of him. I dont want you to take responsibility"
Said Nightmare and starts warming up water.

"B-but... after everything i heard from him... i cant just leave him alone!" Said Cross feeling helpless,

"Error... he..." Nightmare sights "when Error is at his Bottom, he tries to hide it behind a wide smile and crazy laughter... but when you ask him, which you did... he will broke down and tell you everything" said Nightmare and pours the hot water into the cup and then puts the teabag into the hot water.

Cross looks at Nightmare,
"I just feel like... i need to help him! He cant live like this..."
Cross starts beating his head on the table but Nightmare stops him with his tentackle,

"Its going to be fine... he will be fine" Said Nightmare and pats Cross's head,

"Now its time to go back to sleep" said Nightmare and stands up picking Cross with his tentackles and taking him to his room.

"I can walk! I can walk!"

"You look too depressed to do that. Now shush and sleep"
Nightmare opens the door to Cross's room and puts him on his bed, then said good night and teleports back to his own bedroom.

He immediately notices a note on his bed... from Geno.

~ End of Chapter twelve ~

Good night/day my dears! I hope you liked this chapter! See ya next time! (1005 words)

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