~Chapter four~

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~Chaos and happiness~

Cross wakes up, stands up in fear that he overslept!
As he is quickly dressing up, he looks at the calendar... realising its sunday and its the day off, he takes a deep breath in realief that he didnt overslept.

Cross dresses in his comfy clothes, and walks in the hall and down the stairs to the kitchen,

As he walks in, he is greeted by Horror, Dust and Nightmare, Killer is choking on his pancakes.

Cross looks at Killer,
"Are you okay Killer?"
Said Cross conserned about Killers mental and psichical health,

"He is not." Said Nightmare and hits Killers back so he stops choking.

Killer chokes out the pancakes and Nightmare sights
"Im surrunded by idiots"
Cross chuckles and Killer looks at him like irritated cat.

Killer starts yelling at Nightmare for calling him a idiot, it dont affect Nightmare in ani way, and he starts making breakfast for Cross,

Cross and Horror both looks at Dust and smirks,

Dust is a small calm guy, he has always his red scarf and hood on, which means nobady can really see in his face. he dont talk much, hes intelligent and wery strong in magic but wery shy and introverted, but when you get to know him hes wery nice guy, also hes great in ani card game in existence.

Even thought you cant see dusts face you can feel his smirk also, as they look on each other and then all of them look at Nightmare with Killer.

Dust takes whole fucking bread and throws it at Killer, Killer yells "what the fuck dust?!" And Horror stands up...

"FOOD FIGHT!!" Yells Horror and throws his pancakes at Cross who starts attacking Killer...

Nightmare is trying to calm them down but they are out of control.

A portal opens and middle-hight tall person walks in...

He has black jacket and pants, long messy hair in colors dark blue and red, tied in a ponytail, dark skin and blue 'permanent tears' on his face.... its Error, the great god of destruction.

He blinks few times looking at the mess and chaos, then opens the fridge and quickly takes few chocolotes, and leaves throught the portal before ani flying food can hit him.

Nightmare gets super angry and yells

Everybody froze and looks at Nightmare

(Time skip)

After long time of scolding, all of the boys take mops and other cleaning supplies and starts cleaning the kitchen while Nightmare goes back to his office to work.

There is a silence for a few minutes and as Nightmares steps cant be heard they all burst into laughter,

"This was the best fucking bonding time ever!" Said killer who is covered in pancakes, same as the rest of the group.

They all lought and talk while cleaning the kitchen.

(Nightmares POV)

Nightmare is walking in the hall... he hears the laughter and smiles a little  "those little shits.... im starting to cling to them more and more"

As he opens the door to his office he sees Geno sitting on the sofa,

Geno is a short guy with long white hair and glitches on his face covering his right eye, he has big red scarf and white jacket, always wearing a pair of pink slippers, he has warm smile, but a trickle of blood is permanently coming out of his mouth.
Hes the god of immortality...

"Nice to see you again Geno" said Nightmare and sits next to the small guy.

"Hey Nighty, how are you dear?" Asked Geno with a warm smile,

"Im doing good... but please stop calling me by stupid nicknames...and why are you here? You just appeared here..."
Said Nightmare looking suspiciously at the small god beside him.

"You know how i love to appear suddently~ and about the nicknames, no can do Nighty" said Geno and smirks

"You are annoying as always... yet its pleasure to see you after those longs months, where even were you?"

Theyr discussion contunied and they talk for a hour, then the smaller god has to leave.

(The bad guys POV)

Cross just finished mopping the floor and killer, dust and Horror are done with theyr part also, they go to clean themselfs and then go to watch TV

Cross looks at them and smiles... yes... he is truly home

~End of Chapter four~

Im so happyyyyy this is turning out to be great! I hope you enjoyed it and from now on i will maybe start even putting 'bonus chapter' in which will be drawings and stuff! I hope you enjoyed!
See ya at the next chapter!

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