please read!

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I just want to talk about few things about my Au and the writing

First one is that this story wont really have a main character, i am used to write in stile where i switch between characters and its more free and calm for me

Also my Au is wery different from others

Ink and Error are gods, same as Nightmare and Dream or life and Reaper. Thats the 'main gods' but there are much more, in exaple: geno the god of immortality, Gaster!unknown the god of time and similar.

i almost forget about wery important king of the multiverse who will show more in the story, and yes 404 is his right hand and he is not Errors teacher here! He is younger than Error and Error is more powerful here!

If you have ani questins please ask!

Also i would love to hear some feed back from you all and hear is you like it do far or is there is something you dont like or dont make sense

Also i will be paying attenchion mostly on The Bad guys and star sanses.

Bye! And im already working on the next chapter!

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