~Chapter five~

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~ Nightmare the all mighty Villian ~

Cross wakes up hearing an awful noice in the hall, its Killer who has two pans and is banging them agaist eachother to wake everybody up.

Cross opens the door wanting to beat the life out of Killer, but dust already jumped on him so there is no reason to do that.

Cross close the door and goes back to his room,

His room is old and dark, when he thinks about it, the castle has to be wery old.

There is a bed and a big old closet where he has his clothes, a few little cabinets and small window with few boxes with flowers in them, also he has a table on which he can write and draw. The bed is always warm and comfortible...
When Nightmare first took him here, he just lyed on the bed and cryed... the bed wasnt so warm that time, maybe becuse now its not only a bed, its his bed.
Nightmare did so much for Cross, he give him this room, he give him food and clothes, confort and new confidience he thought he lost a long time ago... and a family... even thought they are idiots, he already starts feeling wery nice with them.

Cross snaps back to reality when Horror yells,

Cross dress up, taking on his large jacket and scarf, and runs down the stairs to the kitchen.

When he gets down, the rest is already there.

Horror is giving everybody their food, while Nightmare is reading the multiverse newspaper and Dust with Killer are annoying eachother as always.

Nightmare looks at Cross, greet him and takes a sip of his tea.
Cross sits down next to Killer and Horror and starts eating his breakfast.

Nightmare angrily looks towards Killer with Dust who immadientaly stops fighting and starts eating their food.

Then a glitching portal opens, Error walks in to take his chocolite and then quickly leaves.

Cross was still wery cofused by the presence of the god of destruction, he was not part of the Bad guys but he had a room here (even thought he almost never used it) and was always stealing their chocolite. He heard from Killer that Error and Nightmare are good friends, so Nightmare lets him do anithing here.

Cross then looks at Nightmare waiting for him to give them missions.

Nightmare notices their looks and puts his newspaper down...

Nightmare is a big and stunning presence, he has long black hair that is always messy but well taken care of, he wears clothes with black and cyan and little bit of turquase. His eye is wery sharp and he dont have the left one due to some goop covering it... his biggest signature is his goopy tentacles coming from his back, Cross had seen Nightmare killing people with it, but also grabbing things so they seem pretty usefull... he has lot of nicknames aroud the multiverse... the king of dark, the monster in shadows... but most people know him as Nightmare, the god of negativity, he has lot of enemies along gods and mortals... his biggest to be Dream and his Star sanses, but a lot of great friends along the multiverse aswell. He needs Negativity to survive... and its well know he cant feel other than negative emotions, jet thats a big lie.
Nightmare seems to care and enjoy presence of his little idiotic solders wery much... he is not so heartless like people think.

Nightmare sights and starts explaining missions
"Dust and Horror, you both will go stole some food from some copy of Underfell in region 4. Killer and Cross, you two together will go make some mess in ani Au you wish... you know wery well what rulers apply to it"

"YES BOSS!" said they all together, standing up and summoning or taking their weapons to get ready to do theyr missions.

"Be back before lunch!" Said Nightmare before all of them teleport away.

(Time skip)

Killer was killing few monsters in one Au, while Cross stopped and looks distracted.

"Watcha doin Crossy? Everything good there?"
Said Killer and throws his knife at random man who was trying to fight.

"...Dream .... i Feel his Aura"
Cross said, going into fight position

"Oh fuc-"
Killer wery quickly move, just a few centimetres between his head and tree had Dreams arrow been shot... almost killing him.

(Tem Skip)

After long tiring fight with the Star sanses... Dream the god of positivity and their leader, Ink the god of creativity and the mortal Under!Swap sans that everybody called Blue.

Killer was badly hurted on his arm, and Cross was lightly wounded aswell, Cross grabs Killer and makes portal to the castle.

When they got there Horror quickly takes Killer and starts treating his arm... it was sad... but normal for them, they were the villians in this story.

Nightmare comes down the stairs and asks Cross if he is hurt aniwhere else than he was already healed.

He then gives Cross a monster candy to gain energy.

Cross looks at Nightmare... he always wanted to ask one question, but he never dared to... but what if he asks now?...


"Yes Cross?" Said Nightmare and looks at him.

"Why are you and Dream always fighting? It maked a sense in my old miltiverse... but you two are different here... so why?"

Nightmare is silent for a few minutes and then starts explaining

"We both want different things... i need negativity to survive and i want to keep the balance between negativity and positivity so the multiverse didnt colapses... Dream just want everybody to be happy, not realising how dumb he is. Its simmilar with Ink and Error... Ink creates and Error destroyes... its a natural cycle that needs to be taked care of by the gods... only Reaper and Life do their work in piece, hand in hand... maybe becuse they are the oldest they undersand more than we 'children' "

Cross is silent for few secunds,

"Shouldnt the king be the one to teach everybody how to work when he is not doing it himself?"
Nightmare widen at Cross and stares at him for a secund, Then chuckles and speaks again,
"Just becuse he should, dont mean he will dear... no go rest you need to heal"

Nightmare stands up and walks back to his office "Dust you are in charge!"

Cross sights and smiles... walking back to his room to rest.

~ End of Chaper five ~

1084 worddddddsssssss omgggggg thats a lot for me.... aniway have great night/day and i hope you enjoyed to read this the same i ejoyed writing it!! See ya next time *Fresh poof!*

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