~Chapter Sixteen~

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~ Brown scarf ~

Cross got two weeks off. Boss said he needs some time off so he dont overwork himself or gets sick.

Cross opens portal into some random timeline of Outer!tale.

Cross walks until he sees a nice roof and climbs on it to watch the stars, to be honest he hoped he will bump into Ink, he dont know how to contact him and he really needs to talk with him.

Its been more than half an hour and ink is surely not around... But its okay! He can just watch the stars!

Then Cross heard a voice behind him

"I-į sEe yøu m-mūsT bę w-waīTiNg f-Før I-iNk"

(Im sorry but its really hard to do his voice... So this instead)

Cross looks at Error and looks cofused and hurt

"How do you know? Are you spying on me?!"
Said Cross and looks angry,

"No... But i like Outer!tale, so im here a lot, annnd i over heard your conversation last time..." Said Error and sits next to Cross and takes a chocolate out of his pocket.

"Oh... That makes sense... Wait! Does that mean he was lying about 'feeling you destroy something' ?" Said Cross and looks hurt.

"Yeah... And i dont think he can feel me destroying something, we dont work like that. So nope! He didnt." Said Error and takes the cover from the chocolate before wrapping his tongues around it and eating it at one... Its not i bite so a swallow?

Cross looks the other way, Hes similar with Error's eating, and no offense! But he finds it kinda disturbing.

"You want some?" Asks Error and takes another chocolate out of his pocket.

"Yes please!" Said Cross and looks exited and reach his hand to the chocolite, but Error moves his hand with the treat away.

"Too bad! Ha!" Error laught... Then he stops when he sees Cross looking sad and dissapointed.


"Ok, here you go but dont get too close to me." Said Error and put the Chocolite on the roof between them so they dont make much contact.

Cross happily takes the chocolite from him and thanks him, then starts eating it.

(Time skip)

After some time Cross said bye to Error and went to Under!swap...

He knocks on the door of Stars 'secret' base hidden in the Snowdin forest. The whole underground already moved on the surface, so all three heroes were safe and sound here.

Blue opens the door and is quite shocked to see one of Nightmares soulders here,

"Hey Cross! What are you doing here buddy?" Said Blue curious but exited, he opens the door wider and lets Cross in.

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