~Chapter Nineteen~

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~ Garden full of beautiful Roses ~

Cross wakes up one day, the window is open and a cold breeze is coming in and helping Cross wake up,

Its Fall, and it's Friday, which means gardening.

Cross put on his home clothes and slid down on the railing to the kitchen as usual, Horror made some good cookies.

After breakfast they all grabbed some tools and went to the garden to work, while Cross and Killer take care of raking leaves, Horror is taking care of the roses that their boss loves so much and Dust is fixing a few of the benches in the garden.

The garden is big and beautiful, the roses are making all of the garden smell amazing, Nightmare loves roses so they are everywhere.

Killer randomly climbs a tree and waits until Cross is close and jumps on him, just Killer...

After they make a big pile from the leaves, Killer and Cross sneaks behind Dust, grab him legs and arms and throws him in the pile.

Seconds later both are running away from big gaster blasters and Dust wanting to kill them.

"Dusty calm down, it's fine they are just dumb" said Horror who calms Dust down while Killer and Cross are trying to get down from the big tree they climb out of fear.

At the end everybody laughs it off, and Killer and Cross goes back to ranking.

After all this, Nightmare shows up with some pumpkin pie and they all sit down on a small picnic.

They talk and laugh while Nightmare just quietly eats his pie.


"Just tell him what you are feeling"

Those words run throught hus mind, Nightmare opens his eyes wildly and looks at the fork with the piece of pie. No... He can't tell him... Hes just... Not brave enough ... For gods sake! Hes the king of negativity!... But...

Horror looks at the mess his boss is,
"Ya okay boss?" Nightmares eyes snap and he looks at Horror

"Yes.. perfectly fine no worries." Said Nightmare and continues eating his pie.

"But you seem off lately, you know you can tell us?" Asks Cross, also worried.

"I'm fine. Nothing wrong" said Nightmare and  took a sip of tea from his cup.

(Time skip)

Cross eats his dinner and goes to shower, after a nice hot shower he dresses in his pajamas and goes down to play cards with the others, Dust and Horror are already in their pajamas and ready to play but killers nowhere.

"Where's Killer?" Asks Cross and sits down.

"He said hes going for a walk, he won't play tonight" said Horror and gives Cross his cards.

(Killers POV)

Killer walks through the garden, the sun is setting down behind the horizon and the nice cold night breeze is making all this even more romantic and beautiful.

Killer sits down on the bench and picks up one of the roses his boss loves so much.

Nightmare shows up and walks before killer.

"Killer?... Could we talk?"
Nightmare looks at killer uneasy.

"Yeah what is it boss?"
Asks Killer and grins

"Call me Nightmare... When we are alone..."
Said Nightmare and caught.

Then he takes Killers hand and helps him stand up, after that he leads him on the field between all those beautiful roses.

"Don't interrupt me okay?"
Said Nightmare and looks at Killer seriously

"Oki" said Killer and looked curious,

"Killer, it has been a while since we met... Seven years to be sure. The day we met, i might never forget, you were angry and wounded. I tried to give you a hand in help, you refused and tried to fight me that day... Me, the god of Negativity... Your bravery was proved that day. But I didn't give up. You brought smiles and light into this dark castle... Despite the fact that you suffer with your own problems you always find a way to make your friends smile"

Nightmare takes the golden peacock from his pocket.

"I wish to be more than just a boss and a servant, i want you to be my everything... This is so fucking cheesy..." Nightmare is all red and Killer too... They both just stare at each other but then killer jumps at him hugging him around the neck and throwing them into the grass below

"I wish the same.... And this was so cheesy i feel like crying from emberassment"

Said Killer and Nightmares eyes fill with tears for the first time....with happy tears
"I know... This is so fucking emberassing"

Killer laughed, They both lyed there in the grass happily together.

"You are such a dummy..."

~ End of Chapter Nineteen ~

To be honest i didnt expected to ever write something so god damn cheesy even the characters are dying from cringe...😭 But any way i like this chapter even though it was short a lot but i guess nightmares proposal was enough for ya all.

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