~Chapter Twenty two~

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~ Everything is going too well... ~

Cross wakes up in the middle of the night, the bad nightmares that followed him are getting worse... He has to tell boss.

Cross opens the door and walks out and very slowly and carefully closes it to not wake up anybody.

He does his best as he walks around the rooms of his friends, knowing how light their sleep is, he notices Horrors snoring is heard from Dusts room, he feels so damn single.

Cross finally walks up the stairs, and around Nightmares office to knock on the door of his Boss's bedroom,

"Bosssss?? Can i come in?" Said Cross and is already preparing to come in when he hears Nightmares voice,

"Don't you dare to open that door! I'm coming to you just a sec" said Boss and Cross hears Nightmare moving around the bedroom until the door opens.

Nightmares hair is messy, he has an angry tired look on and is in a pink fluffy sleeping robe that Dust got him on Valentines two years back for 'the girlfriend he doesnt have'
(Dust is damn savage)

"What do you want Cross?" Said Nightmare angrily.

"Well do you got few minutes?" Asks Cross with a shacking smile.

"Well i was in the middle of sex but... You already kinda interrupted me so yeah"

Cross gets kinda Red when he gets a wave from Killer who is at the bed, tugged in blanket.

"So thats why i didnt heard his ugly snoring... I thought he Died in sleep" said Cross and gets a middle finger from Killer.

(Time skip)

Nightmare leaned on the balkony, Cross stands next to him and stares on the starry night.

Nightmare takes out a cigarette from the pocket of his sleeping robe, he light it on and puts it in his mouth, takes a drag and pulls it out.

"So?... What did you want to talk about?"
Nightmare looks at Cross and Cross takes a deep breath.

"I... Im having bad dreams... About my brother... And my friends... Them all dying... And i... Im... I cant..."

Cross feels how Nightmares tentackles wrap tightly around him in a hug.

"Dont beat yourself over something you cant change. You are here now, and thats all that matter... Cross... I did horrible things, so bad that even I, the god of negativity... Feel ashamed of them. But i learned one thing. I cant change the past, but i can save my future. Your world is gone. But you have new one ahead"

Cross looks at his boss and smiles, Nightmare takes another drag from his cigarette.

"Geno wont be happy you are smoking."

"First of all, hes not my mother. Secund of all, what he doesnt know doesnt hurt him."

Cross chuckles, he smiles and asks,
"Dont you want to be a father? I think you could start a family with Killer~"

"I dont really like children, and you four are enough. And i dont even count Error"

Cross's smile falls...
"About Error... He looks worse and worse from day to day, i think you really should talk with him."

"Thats the problem. I did talk to him but he wont listen, Even Geno and Reaper tryed... Even M-... Another Friend tried."

"Who's M?" Asks Cross and looks at Nightmare who takes last drag from his cigarette before throwing it down from the balkony.

"None of your concern." Said Nightmare and turns around to go back to killer.

"Go sleep its late!" He yells to Cross,

"And you stop fucking my Bestie!" Yells Cross at Nightmare who chuckles.

(Time skip)

The next day Cross walks down in the kitchen to see that everybody are in the living room, Error is sleeping on the sofa and Horror is wery carefully trying to wake him.

Then Nightmare showes up telling them all to go eat and stop minding Error.

"Give him some goddamn rest!"

Cross stares at Error, he looks injured and sad, most likely from a fight with Ink.

Cross sights and went to eat while Nightmare grabs a blanket and puts it carefully on the sleeping destroyer.

(Time skip)

Error sleeps at the sofa almost all day, even after they come back from missions hes still there.

Cross feels sad at seeing Error in a such state.

Error opens his eyes and sits up tiredly,

"Wh-hãt aRē yā aLl S-sťařiñg aT‽"

Cross chuckles,
"Nothing, you want chocolite?"

"...tHřow me-E søMē"

Cross went to the fridge and the fridge cabinet labeled 'Chocolite' and pulls out Chocolite, then throws it to Error who catches it,

He then wrap his tongues around it and eats it, Cross looks the other way.

"Wait... You didn't unwrapped it?"

Error just simply spits the wrapping out.

"What the-" Cross stares at him with confused look

Nightmare walks in,
"Error, Geno called me that he needs ya"

Error tiredly stands up, grabs another Chocolate from the fridge and makes a portal into Anti-void.

Cross sights, hoping that Error will be fine.

(Error's POV)

Error sits on his beanbag and eats the Chocolite, he lies there motionless, too lazy to go bother with Geno...

Error stared at one of his dolls until he dozz off, he knows that Geno will be angry... But he dont care much. Theres nothing more he could lose in his Life.

He cant lose more. Well... There is still few people he at least little cared about. Then he hears a voice from the other side of the beanbag

"Heya Erry" Error turns around upon hearing that and looks at the person before him

~ End of Chapter twenty two ~

You got tons to discover. Because the fight between light and dark is just starting. Theres the question? Who will win?

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