~Chaper two~

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~Our stories dont define us~

Nightmare is sitting on a sofa in the library, light comes in throught the curtains, and few candles are lighten up on the table to make more light, so Nightmare can calmly read.

As Nightmare is calmly reading he suddently hears a loud noice from the kitchen. Nightmare stands up in alert and put his tentacles into fight position and teleports to the kitchen...

Killer is on the floor, dust above him trying to strangle him
and Horror trying to drag dust away.

"What the hell is going on?!" Asks Nightmare angrily and lowers his tentacles.....he was scared that dream or ink attacked...

All three of them looks at Nightmare with scared look and Nightmare seems wery annoyed.
"You have ten secunds to starts explaining." Said Nightmare angrily.

Horror stands up and starts explaining "w-we played cards and dust was winning as always, but then killer starts suddently winning... and i found out he was cheating and dust got pretty angry... hehe"

Nightmare sights, "you imbeciles! You are scaring our newest recruit!" Nightmare points to the door where is watching all this Cross... looking scared from all of them.

"Somebody go calm him down, i need to go find something" said Nightmare and walks back to the library.

Horror sits down and points at the empty chair next to the table, Cross sits down and stares at horror

Horror is wery tall and big, he has lot of scars and wery big wound on his head, one of his eyes is bling and his big jacket that is dirty from blood, all this is making horror scary and horryfing... but under all this is a nice polite guy who is just a little dumb.

"So, Cross... you already had a few fights on our side. But ya still trying to avoid us. Care to say something about yourself? Like... boss said he knows dverything but you should be the one telling us" said Horror... seeming little conserned and even worried about Cross.

Cross looks at Horrors smile and burry himself more into his big scarf

"I understand you dont wanna talk about it... but ya should try, we all have our problems ya know?" Said Horror and smiles warmly, stands up and goes to make tea.

"You already know im from other multiverse right?" Asks Cross,
"Ofcurse i know... boss told us the first time ya come here" Horror smiled and starts making the tea
"You want tea or coffee? We even have hot chocolite if ya want?" Asks Horror and starts making coffee for dust,
"Hot Choco if i could..." said Cross and Horror smiles.

(Time skips)

After the tea, choco and coffee is done, they all (exept Nightmare) sits down by the table, and Cross starts explaing his story.

"As you all know im from another multiverse... it was wery similar to this multiverse but not at the same time, i think nor you Horror, or Dust existed there... but Killer and Nightmare did, we were in a war and i had only two friends... Dream and Epic... our ink was an Asshole... and my Au were nothing but mindless tools, X gaster controled...i was the Villian... the bad one who killed the people of my Au... i deserve to die... but dream didnt let me... one day we were fighting Error, when a glitch appeared and i got kicked out of the codes of our multiverse, then i was falling in the void, and glitched in this multiverse, i was scared and cofused, but at the end meet nightmare who helped me"

Everyone were listening to Cross's story in silence, then Killer smiled and said "yeah... thats what Night do, he always showes up when you deserve him the last, and you only deserve to die."

Cross looks at Killer with comfused face,
"I hurted everybody... even the people that didnt do anithing!" Cross eyes filled with tears, "i killed my own brother! I dont deserve to be here between all of y-" killer interrups him.

"You think i deserve to be here!? I murdered my whole Au also! And i still dont feel ani regret becuse of my stupid not working emotions!" Said killer and stands up, dust contunies after but in wery calm and light voice,
"I killed my Au too... i did it to stop Chara from killing... at the end, i see all of the people i killed in my dreams... and even just like halucinations..." said dust... and take sip of his coffee.

Horror looks at all of them and sights,
"And my Au is super messed up... we are beseculy cannibals becuse we had nothing to eat... but things changed, all four of us are working our guilt and regret here under Nightmare... once a week i go and give my brother some food....."

Killer sits down and looks at Cross "im a monster, i deserve nothing more than die and suffer... but Nightmare give me and the others a home, food to eat, bed to sleep in, and work to ease our suffering... remember cross," killer took Cross's hand in his
"There is one tjing i learned from Nightmare... we are Freaks, so lets be Freaks together... okay?" Horror smiles and even thought you cant see dusts face becuse he has the hood on it seems hes smiling also...

Cross looks at them and smiles too... after so long time of fights, enemies, pain, hunger and traitors... he finnaly feels like he is home...

~ End of Chapter 2 ~

Great heavens... 958! words... im so happy you read this! If any questins please ask! Im happy how this turned out and how it goes! Also i forget to mentoin they are more human like in this Au! (Hair, skin, and similar) i hope you enjoyed and see each other at the next chapter!

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