~Middle Chapter~

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!Warning death theme!

~Memories that should had been forgetten ~

"Midnight! Midnight!" Yelled young Dream who just come back from the Villige.

A little boy with purple hair and clothes was sitting next to the tree of feelings... he was reading and looking sad, his face full of bruises and scars

"H-hey Dream... you are back..."

Dream, the small boy with yellow hair and green-yellow clothes looks at his twin brother

"Look what i got you moony! A pumpkin pie!" Dream smiles warmly,

"Oh... i-it looks wery nice..." said Dreams Brother and smiles sadly...

"Midnight... what happened to your face?" Asked Dream and looks at his brothers face,


"Midnight?... im sorry i never was here..."


"Too late..."

Midnight turns to dust and Dream starts seeing all the corpses of the villigers around the tree of feelings that is cut down... he takes the golden crown on the ground, the last thing that was left from his brother.

"I-im s-so sorry..." Dream cryes out...

"It was your fault!" Screams a voice in his head... its is saying the words again and again, a muffled yells of his name is heard, but Dreams head is full of the words "Its your fault!"

...Dream wakes up crying while Blue is shacking with him,

"DREAM!...you okay? You were having a bad dream..."

"Yes... im fine Blue... thank you for waking me up..."

(Time skip)

After Blue falls asleep, Dream walks to his table. above the table is a morror and he opens it,

he takes out the golden Crown with a little moon and a star, he then hugs it.

it was the last thing he had from his brother, the only thing he find the day he come to the tree and sees blood and dust everywhere, and the only thing that was there was this golden crown.

His brother is gone for good... right?

~End of the Middle Chapter~

The middle chapters will be just wery shorth chapters explaining things or giving us more secrets, i hope you enjoyed and see ya next time! ;)

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