~Chapter eight~

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!Warning, themes of death and sucide! Also over-dosing!

~Why to Live?~

Cross is hanging upside down as his leg is hold by strings,

"Errorrrrrr, let me goooooooo, pleasseee"

"§ĥut up-p Croşs!¡"



(error will have a long dialog here and i dont want to use the compicated glitch-text so i will use this)

"Oh please glitchy~ what do i even do to deserve this?"

Error glitches and looks angrily at Cross for calling him Glitchy,

"Nightmare gived you to me for falling your mission~" Error smirks and chuckles,

"... what?" Cross looks sad.... did he actully belived it?

"...No dummy" said Error, he was sitting at his sofa-bean bag and knitting, having his big glasses on.

Cross sights in realief and Error looks grumpy, stopped knitting and stares at Cross for few secunds,

"Hey... ya okay Error?" Asks Cross and then the string let him go and he starts falling when suddently two strings catch him and put him into sitting position making something like swing in the air.

"Dont scare me like that!" Said Cross whose soul almost left his body,

"I dont understand you mortals..." Said Error still looking into the empty white space,

"What do you mean?"

"You... fight so much... to survive... yet all of you... carry so much guilt and pain..." said Error, not looking at Cross, just staring.

Cross watches him and listens when Error starts speaking again,

"So much guilt and pain... so much injuries and bad memories... yet you still fight to survive... why?... WHY?!... you have no idea how much i would love to die... yet i cant! All this guilt... its crushing me... all this pain... its making me crazy!... you have the best opportunity to end this suffering! Yet you fight to survive!"...

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