~Chapter ten~

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~The smell of blood and dust~

Nightmare looks at the four idiots, all of them were playing cards, Horror had lot of cards and Killer was obviously cheating as always... Cross had three wery bad cards left and was completely broke... and Dust was winning as always with his big smile that can be 'feel' from his covered face...

He had never shown anibody his face... always in the shadow of his hood.

Nightmare sights and starts reading again, Dust was always good at cards... yeah... always...

Cross looks at Dust and asks curiously,
"You were the first one right? So how did you and Nightmare meet?"

Nightmare looks up at them... yes... he remembers it wery well.

(Nightmares memory)

Nightmare was young, and unexperienced that time, he just got from a fight with Dream and that stupid creator... he lyes down on the sofa after treating his wounds.

Normal weapons didnt hurt him,
but Dream had his "positive arrows" that hurted like hell.

Nightmare was alone, all alone in his big and dark castle.
Only Error sometimes get there to chat or help around...

But when we dont count Errors rare visits, Nightmare was all alone.

He stands up, he decited to go gain some negativity to heal properly and gain energy, but not to kill people becuse Dream would attack him again and he really wasnt in the mood to fight.

He decited to teleport to some random Genocide Au.

He pooped out in waterfall in some Genocide Au... he liked the negativity and the calm athmosphire, so he sits next to the water and enjoys the piece and calm.

But one thing was odd... he didnt feel the presence of player... no fighting energy or hate... only guilt and remorse, and it was close and intense...

Nightmare stands up, deciting he will try to find the source... he walks few minutes, until he feels intense guilt and pain behind a waterfall, he walks there and summons a umberella so he wont get wet.

He walks throught the water fall... seeing a small crandled person in the cave, Nightmare walks closer but the person looks at him, still alive and strong.

He starts shooting bones at him, it seems determinded to kill who will comes to its way.

Nightmare dodge or catch few with his tentackles, looking at the crazy mortal before him... poor thing.

He offers a hand to him,

"Im Nightmare, the God of Negativity. I can feel that your fate was cruel, but i can take you somewhere safe... ofcurse only if you will want to."

The small person before him looks at him, its not really clear who is it becuse his face is hidden in the shadow of his hood and the red scarf.

"T-tell him... to g-go away..."
Said the small one,

"Who? Who should go away?" Asked Nightmare,

Ofcurse he has seen him, a head and floating arms on the side of the small guy... a halucination only a crazy person, or The king of Nightmares can see.

"... i will kill you!"

The small one jumped at Nightmare but Nightmare grab him with his tentackles and looks at him tiredly.

"I know you feel like you cant animore... but i wont force you..." Nightmare puts the guy on the groud and offer his hand once again,

"Im offering you to come with me... and never be lonely again... or stay here... its up to you"

The small one shackes... he has hard time thinking what he wants, he can go and be safe and sound with a god, ofcurse it can be a trap... on the other hand he has to make his brothers death worth...

Nightmare waits patiently for the small one to decide...

"P-please... s-save me..." the small ones vision starts going blurry and before he faints Nightmare catches him, then the small guy in a gray hood losses consciousness...

(Time skip)

When he wakes up he sees that he is on the sofa... he starts shacking due to the cold in the castle,

Nightmare looks at him
"Im sorry for the cold, i dont have the sensitivity for temperature unless its truly freezing" said Nightmare looking at the small one...

"I havent asked your name?"
Said Nightmare and looks at the small guy waiting for the way to call him,

"... you can call me Dust"
Said the small one still little uneasy about Nightmare.

"Okay, Dust."

Nightmare shows Dust around the castle, the kitchen, his office, where Dust can choose room, the little nursery, and even beutiful library.

At the end Dust falls asleep on the sofa...

When he wakes up again... hes wrapped in like ten blankets and there is warm coffee and a chocolite on the table, together with a note:

"Im going out, trying to find a way to heat up the castle so you wont be freezing in summer. Ill be home around morning"

Dust chuckles, maybe Nightmare isnt as bad as he looks like... well just time will tell

(End of Their memory)

Dust looks at Cross
"Well... its a long, complicated story.. maybe i will tell ya other time, maybe when you will beat me~" said Dust and chuckles

"Oh shut up! We know you are good withnout you reminding us 24/7!" Said Cross flustrated.

Nightmare smiles just a little... Dust seems to change so much... at least hes okay now.

~ End of Chapter ten ~

Yippeeeee! Already ten chapters! I hope you enjoyed this one ;)
Bye and love you my dear ~<3

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