~Chapter Seventeen~

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!Warning, motions of sexual themes! But no sex here just talk!

~ The Lair of Lust ~

"Oh come onnn! You will like it there!" Said Killer dragging Cross towards portal into Omegatale.

"Nooooo! Im scareeeddd, I don't trust youuuu"
Said Cross is trying to resist but Horror picks him up,

"You seem stressed lately, so you need a break... And this is the perfect place for it." Said Dust and they all walk though the portal into Omegatale.

Its already dark... In the darkness of the city, the building with shining pink lights stand up. Horror walks to the big shiny door with big pink hearts, on top of the door is a big sign "The Liar of Lust"

Cross is being dragged in throught purple curtians to a big bar... There are shiny lights and music everywhere... People dancing in erotic clothes.

"Did you seriously dragged me into strip club?!" Asks Cross angrily his teammates

"Nah this is Sex Bar" said Dust and chuckles.

"What the fuck is the difference??" Asks Cross all red and trying to not look at all those people.

"You dont watch shows or people strip here, its about you and your partner or friends. But you can fuck here if you wanna" said Dust and everybody walks to the bar and sit on the tall chairs,

there is only one guy sitting at the bar exept them, and thats a skinny guy dressed all in purple and pink colors. He has purple hair and make up, even thought Cross really dont like those tipes he cant deny this guy looks wery beutiful in it.

"Hello love~ how is it going?~" said Killer and kissed the guys hand,

"Are you two dating or...?" Cross is pretty confused.

"Nah just friendly flirting~ im Lust btw, the owner of this bar, arent you i cutie~?"
Said Lust and winks at him.

Cross goes all red and mumbles something like hello.

"Anyway~ you havent been here in a long time! Im happy you brought your new friend!"

Lust hand his hand to Cross, Cross aquardly kisses it noticing silver engagement ring.
"You are engaged?"

"Yes baby~ this is my way of showing you got no chance~" he winks.

"I'm here for all of, like my babys~ you can take this as safe place when you are sad okay?" Said Lust and smiles warmly

Cross smiles too... He feels warm, he understands why Dust instisted he will like it there. "Yeah, thanks Lust"

"Grilbs! Make me some bloody mary! And one pink headshot, one bloody axe anddd what would you want Kills?" Said Lust to the barman and turns to Killer,

"Something strong but i dont wanna get drunk babe" said Killer and smiles.

"Another Bloody mary please grilbs! All on the house!... What would you want Cross?"

"Well... I dont know..." Said Cross aquardly

"Take my new baby sone tonic! He will think what he wants"

Cross looks around a notices Error in the corner... Looking sad

"Error?... Hes the last person i thought would be here..." Lust looks there and chuckles

"Everybody come here love~ even Dream showes up when hes at his down~ my small glitchy baby is feeling down~ i already conforted him so dont worry"
Said Lust and smiles warmly

"I heard you two finnaly got together!" Said Lust turning on Horror and Dust.
"Took you long enought..." Said Lust and Killer laught.

"Yeah yeah. Shush Killer!" Said Dust angrily but Horror calms him down.

After a few minutes Grillby got their drinks and they talk.

"Killer i heard you and Outer broke up?"
Cross chokes out his drink.
"THEY WERE DATING?!" Dust looks angry,
"Yeah! Killer never says anithing!"

"Becuse its none of your concern. We broke up after two weeks, i cought him slacking of with Cocino"

Cross, Horror and Dust stare at Killer... They just found out Killer was dating Outer and broke up after month becuse he was... Cheating with COCINO?!

"you should really tell us stuff Kills..." Said Cross and takes a sip of his drink, Lust laught while Dust seems angry.

"Cheating with Cocino huh?... I will break that assholes neck!" Said Dust and stands up but Horror gives him a bear hug and calms him down.

"Dont worry Dusty, we talked with boss and hes right! Outer wasnt even good enought for me! I should go for a better one"

Said Killer and takes a sip of his drink.
Cross homewer stares at him... Opens his mouth then closes it, then opens it again and speaks

"Boss... Told you that?..." Cross said... It was their boss, there were two choices, nightmare was better at romantic things than he thought or Killer was seriously blind...

Lust moves close to Cross and whisper
"I will show you something... "

Lust stands up and he walks with Cross to a wall with wishes, there are lot of small papers in the shape of heart on the wall with different wishes... So e are pretty dirty but one stands up for Cross..

A paper with clearly Nightmares hand writing...

"I wish i was able to say what i feel withnout it feeling wrong"

Lust smiles and whisper "Killers blind."

(Time skip)

After some time Error leaves... Only an empty glass left after him.

Cross stares at the place Error was sitting... He understands now, The Lair of Lust is a safe place people go to talk, say their problems... Or just drink in piece. Knowing nobody will be trying to find them there.

Most people already left.. but the bar is only now showing his true colors, a calm romantic music starts playing...

Horror is nuzzling with Dust and Killer is sharing his terrible experiences with Lust.

A woman-goat with flowers at her head and a beautiful dress with flowers on it stands up and takes the hand of some Woman... They dance there together.

"Wait! Isnt that godness of life?!" Said Killer looking at the pair

"Yes darling~ she sonetimes comes here with her girlfriend after the main flow of people" said Lust and smiles.

Cross truly understands now... Every god... Every mortal is a being of its own life and story... Even thought its not right, even thought they are not important. They deserve a place they can take hand in hand and dance.

Thats what this place is for.

Some people just need a place to fit in. Not  to worry about anithing... Just... Be safe.

~ End of Chapter Seventeen ~

My dears... Be safe and happy? You have only one life. And its all yours... Okay?

(1100 words)

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