~Chapter Fifteen~

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~What is that?~

Cross wake up, he hears voices and some arguing down there... seems like Killer and Dust got into another fight, but thats normal.

Cross dresses up in his jacket and his big scarf...after hes done dressing up he runs down and slides on the railing.

He greets everybody in the kitchen and sits on his place and getting right to eating his eggs and some bacon.

Killer and Dust are arguing about something and Horror who just finished the food for himself hugs Dust from behind and starts calming him down by whispering something in his ear ...

Since Dust and Horror started dating Dust seems calmer since Horror always gives him the comfort he needs, its just so cute they finally find each other.

Nightmare looks at them... Something in his soul hurts a bit.
But he knows he doesn't deserve the life those two have...

Nightmare put his fork down
"Boys listen. Horror, Dust and Cross will go on a mission to kill few people in Outer!tale.
Killer you will be delivering a messige for Core" he said and stand up.

"YES BOSS!" said all four of them and stand up to get ready for their missions

(Time skip)

"Shit, shit, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" Cross is running from blue attacks... 404 dont seem so pleasant that they attacked Outer!tale... Dust is injured and Horror is trying to protect him while Cross is running away from Kings right hand himself..

Everything is going wrong...he needs to run... As long as 404 is fixed on him, he wont hurt Horror or Dust more.

After few secunds Cross got hit by a glitch, and teleports randomly into unknown Au...

Its so quet...and the air is full of dangerous feeling...he is in a forest.. the wind rustles throught the leaves... what is he doing here?

He walks... Leaves and sticks break under his feet... All around is piece and quet...
He walks... He dont know for how long... Until he reaches end if the forest and sees a field.

The field is full of tall grass and wild flowers... A big stump is in middle of it... Such a...negative energy is everywhere... Like something wery bad happened here a wery long ago.

Cross walks to the stump... Having no idea why.
When he gets there he hears a voice
"You shouldn't be here"

Cross turns around to sees his boss, he had clearly found him to bring the injured oreo home...

Cross dont knows why...but puts one hand on the stump, he freezes.

Millions of pictures starts going before his eyes... His ears are full of screams and cryes... He sees and hears people suffering... dying... Cross is comfused and scattered all over the place...he falls and covers his ears breathing heavely...

Nightmare runs to him and helps him stand up and prepares him to teleport, trying to calm his solder down.

Before they teleport Cross looks towards the forest... On the edge of the forest is standing a small boy... He cant see his face... His mind wont let him... He has purple clothes... And a small crown... He stares at him... Sonething is wery wrong about this boy...then everything falls black as Cross pass out from exhuastion

(404 POV)

404 walks to the throne, kneels before it and lowers his head.

"Your highness... I failed. i wasnt able to finish the work you had given me."

King looks unpleased... But he thinks for a secund then answers.

"I wont punish you. But you will do something for me. Something...wery Important~"

King chuckles.
"Its going to be more of a gift or blessing than a punishment~"

404 looks at King but gets a hit by his staff.
"I didnt give you permission to look up"
Said King angrily.

"Im sorry... Wont happen again."
Said 404 and immediately lowers his head.

"Good boy~"
Said King and smiles wildly.

(Cross POV)

Cross explains his story to his fridnds wrapped in blanket and drinking hot choco, Dust seems fine and Horror too which is good...

"So... I had the feeling something dragged me to the field, like, i had to go there, a calling... A voice" Cross explains, still shivering

Killer stares at him,
"Dang! I always miss all the fun!"

"Almost getting killed by 404 wasnt fun idiot"
Said Dust angrily.

"Chill down dusty~"

Thise two got into fight and Horror drags Dust away to calm himself, Cross is staring at the window... He dont understand what happened at all.

~End of Chapter Fifteen~

For some unknown reason the chapter got cut off? I had to replece it but i hope it will be fine... Well its weird. Love ya bye!

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