~Middle Chapter 2~

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~ Trust ~

Cross wakes up, its so quet and calm in the castle, he stands up and goes out his room...

Its weird, at this time Killer and Dust would be already annoying each other...

The halls are quet and colder than usual, he dont hears Killers yells, Dust throwing things, or both of them running around, nor Horror cooking and yelling at them to stop fighting... its weird in the castle to be this quet...

He walks down the stairs and sees Nightmare and Killer...

Killer is lying on the floor, dying.

Cross looks at Nightmare,
"Why... why would you do such a thing?"

Nightmare smiles with wild smile,
"He was useless to me. He was not usefull animore."

Cross looks at Nightmare and starts yelling
"You monster! I thought i can trust you!"

Then Cross burst into tears and Nightmare just laughts.

"You... idiot." "Cross?" "You really thought i would be a 'nice person'?" "Cross!" "How funny~" "CROSS!!"


Cross wakes up and Nightmare holds him close,

"Breath, calm down okay?... everythings fine..."

Cross is shacking and crying, his Breathing wild and his vision blurry,

"Okay... Cross, look at me... who am i?"


"Thats right... and what is that thing?"

"...a lamp"

"Is the lamp On or Off?"

"Its off..."

"What is next to the lamp?"

"A small b-box..."

"Thats right, what material is the box made off?"

"From d-dark wood..."

"Yes thats right... and what simbol is on the box?"


"What is in the box?"

"My collection of stones... one r-red, two blue and f-four are o-oringe..."

"Thats right, are you calm Cross?"


Cross hugs Nightmare close and cryes to his shoulder,

"It will be okay... dont worry... i will protect you."

~ End of Middle Chapter 2 ~

I hope you enjoyed this small depressive middle chapter!
See ya next time my dears ~ <3

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