~Chapter thirteen~

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~Secrets of the castle~

Geno walks throught the cold halls of the big castle, his footsteps atches throught the halls, as he walk to a big door at the end.

The castle is beutiful, all in white, red and Golden colors, and big windows with mosaic that representing the creation of the world and the first Gods, also the 'king' saving this world before collapsing and spreading the powers to the other gods... the last window at the end of the hall represents the the first Gods dying... how cruel.

Geno sees a figure that walks towards him,

"What do you want, Geno?" Asked 404 with a suspicious look,

"I need to talk with his majesty." Said Geno and smiles warmly at 404, but he still looks at Geno suspiciously.

404 then sights and opens the door and lets Geno walks in,
"Dont provoke him... he has a bad day" said 404 and Geno walks in the Kings office,

King is sitting on a Chair, looking throught the window, Geno just stands there and greets him with a bown down and a
"Good evening your majesty"

"What is it Geno?" Asked the cold man, not even bothering to turn around and face Geno.

"I wanted to ask for a... favor" said Geno and looks on his feet,

"And what would that be?" Said king still watching the garden throught the window.

"One of your servants, Fetal, is making a big mess around Omagatale, Core is not wery happy and they wanted me to ask you to put him down... they couldnt come here themself."

"...what will l gain from it?" King Said

Geno thinks, he should have thought that King wont do a 'favor' for nothing.

"What do you want?" Asked Geno and looks at the King,
King finnaly looks him in the eyes and smiles.


(Nightmares POV)

Nightmare takes the note and opens it up, reading it.

"The next meeting is at saturday next week"

Nightmare smiles, yes... that will be interesting...
The meeting... of... O.O.C.E...

Seems cool? Nah. Its a short for Organization of charity events... yeah... Nightmare was forced by Geno to join them... but its not that bad.

Its a organization in which they mostly help in Omegatale, small Aus or Gods that need place to stay or heal, and for personal reasons cant stay in the mindsquare with other gods,

Its not like Nightmare really helps anibody, he just does it for fellow Gods, but mostly so Geno wont annoy him... but nothing else.

Nightmare lyes down in the bed... it was a wery tiring day... Error is still unreachable and Cross is sad becuse of it...

Oh Fuck-... the Party is tommorow! Great... now he forgot about a event in the mindsquare (a different event from what Geno write on the paper)... Geno would killed him if he actully forgot about it and didnt get there, he will tell the boys tommorow, hoping they wont kill each other.

(Time skip)

Nightmare sits at the table drinking tea and eating his breakfast, Cross looks wery tired, Horror smiles and looks like he had good rest, Dust is the exact opposite... he looks tired and grumpy, and Killer seems like he will fall asleep every secund.

Nightmare looks at them and starts speaking,
"I have a meeting today so Killer will be in charge after i leave, dont leave the castle and try to survive okay?"

Horror nods and Killer seems happy
"Yay! Im in charge" said Killer who seems like he had finnaly waken up.

Dust looks at him irritated,
"You are always in charge! Boss's pet..."

Killer gasps and looks angry,
"Im not Boss's pet!"

Dust chuckles,
"You are! A dog~"

"Im not!" Yells Killer angrily and wants to jump on Dust.

"You both are dogs!" Yells Nightmare angrily,
"Always fighting and barking at each other! Both the same... now shush Killer or i will give charge to Horror!"

Cross chuckles, Nightmare is right, they are both dogs...

(Time skip)

After Nightmare leaves around 4 pm,
They starts doing the chores, Dust mops the floor, Killer cleans up the stock and Horror with Cross do kitchen.

"Horror?" Cross had yet another question on his mind

"Ya Cross?" Horror looks at him and smiles,

"Where did Boss even go? He said on some meeting..."

"Oh that! He go to Godverse... a place where gods meet, he sometimes go there when some event happens, he said its out of space and time" said Horror and contunies to clean up the sink.

"Really? Thats interesting" Cross seems to be amazed by such a thing, "were you there?" Asks Cross curiously,

"No i wasnt, but Killer was! He said its beutiful there, and lot of peaciful and dangerous gods can be seen there, mortals can go there but they had to be under watch by some god"

"Ohhhh! That makes sense!"

They chat and clean up, then Killer and Dust starts fighting again... as always.

It was a nice time, Cross wonders... How is Nightmare at this time?

~End of Chapter thirteen~

Thank you for reading! This chapter was really hard to write becuse i kinda got write block... yeahhh. But i hope you enjoyed!
Today we learned about new character and an organization Nightmare was forced into! Lets see each other at the next chapter!
Love ya!~<3


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