He's Her Husband.

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Sunny, on the other hand, had already been blocked by her agent and company.

Before Sunny could find Liya, she saw Isha talking to a rich second-generation heir. Of course, she would not let go of this opportunity. After taking this photo, she turned around and left.

With Isha’s current popularity, if this photo was sold to a marketing account or a reporter, it should be worth at least hundreds of thousands of rupees, right?

She turned around and was about to leave when a woman blocked her way and said in a low voice, “Why were you secretly taking photos? You’re not allowed to leave.”

“You’re crazy! When did I secretly take photos?” Sunny said angrily.

Seeing that the other party was a new face without any fame, Sunny splashed the red wine in her hand on her and yelled, “Why aren’t you moving aside?”

The other party did not move away as Sunny had expected. Instead, she continued to stop her from leaving.

Sunny was extremely angry. She did not want Isha to know what she had just done and was even more anxious. She wanted to push the woman in front of her away.

Before she could push her away, Isha had already walked up to her and grabbed her wrist.

“I’m sorry. May I ask what’s going on here?” Isha asked calmly as she stared at Sunny. There seemed to be no emotion in her eyes, but Sunny felt weak just looking at her.

The woman who had been splashed with wine said, “Isha, Sunny secretly took photos of you and Shan. I stopped her from leaving.”

Shan was the young master who liked cars. Isha just found out his name.

Isha and Sunny. Recently, their names and photos were on the list of hot topics. Of course, this woman recognized them at a glance.

“When did you see me take photos? Are you crazy?” Sunny flew into a rage out of humiliation. “Isha, I don’t have anything to do with you anymore. Don’t deliberately cause trouble for me. I’m telling you, if you stop me, I can sue you for illegal detention!”

Isha walked over and stood in front of Sunny. She smiled at the woman. “Did Sunny splash wine on your dress?”

“Yeah. I wanted to stop her and she splashed wine on me.”

Isha smiled at Sunny. “Then, Miss Sunny, regardless of whether you secretly took photos or not, you have to compensate for this lady’s dress before you can leave, right?”

Sunny did not want to get involved with them, nor did she want to cause any more trouble. She just wanted to sell the photos as soon as possible to get money.

Recently, she had been short of money. She was used to being extravagant when she suddenly stopped working. The money in her bank account was decreasing day by day. Not only did she want to step on Isha but she also needed this money.

“How much? I’ll pay her back,” Sunny said arrogantly.

The woman looked at Isha, and Isha exchanged a look with her. She smiled and said, “Compensate? Then let’s use the simplest method to do it!”

Isha took a glass of red wine from the buffet table and poured it all over Sunny’s clothes.

The dark red wine was splashed all over Sunny, instantly staining her dress.

It could be said that this dress was completely ruined and could no longer be worn.

The woman was very happy. Clearly, she liked Isha’s way of handling things!

Hidden Marriage - Amazing Husband 【Season 2】Where stories live. Discover now