Room for doubt.

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In the lounge.

Gaurav had been supporting his forehead with one hand. Since he saved Isha last night, he had been maintaining this position except when he went to buy milk for her.

At this moment, the sky was bright and clear. Sunlight pierced through the white clouds, illuminating the land.

But where Gaurav was, there was a dark cloud that separated him from the rest of the world.

“Shivam is taking Isha to the consultation room for the results of the examination. Should I get my brother to go along?” Fifi was a little uncertain now.

“Why don’t we just let him rest? He’s too tired,” Yuvraj said in a low voice.

Fifi sighed. “My brother isn’t too tired. He’s just too heartbroken.”

“Of course. Isha was almost met with danger last night, which was a stab in his heart. When she threw herself into Shivam’s arms, it stabbed him again. Then, Shivam took out his marriage certificate, which was the third stab in his heart. The fourth stab was finding out that Isha has late-stage gastric cancer. He really is strong for surviving this long.” Yuvraj did not know what to say anymore.

The only way he knew to comfort someone was by asking them if they wanted to eat hotpot. Gaurav would definitely reject him.

Fifi sighed and pinched Yuvraj’s sleeve. “Let’s go and listen to the results. I won’t get my brother to go.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Gaurav stood up with a swish. He was like a dark cloud that dimmed the entire space.

Yuvraj immediately handed him a glass of water. “Boss, you should drink some water.”

If he did not eat or drink, how could he compete with Shivam?

Gaurav took the glass and seemed to have thought of something. His long and beautiful fingers exerted a little force. With a crack, the glass shattered on the floor. The water and his blood dripped to the floor.



Gaurav strode toward the consultation room where Shivam and Isha were listening to the results of the examination.

Yuvraj shook his head and thought to himself, ‘His close confidant attacked Isha, which crossed the boss’ line. Thank God Isha is safe. Otherwise, all of us would’ve died.’

Yuvraj and Fifi hurriedly followed Gaurav.

Hina and Jeevan followed as well.


Shivam and Isha had just stepped into the consultation room. While waiting for the results, Shivam could not hide his sadness and melancholy no matter what. He looked at the representatives and doctors with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Gaurav and the others, who came in soon after, felt their hearts skip a beat when they saw the scene in front of them.

Fifi pouted, tears welling up in her eyes.

Yuvraj was at a loss for words.

After they all came in, the medical staff led by the director of the hospital all stood up and bowed to them collectively. They said, “We’re very sorry, Miss Sharma. We were careless before and misdiagnosed you.”

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

There was a moment of silence.

The tension in the air gradually cracked and broke apart.

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