Isha Is Too Average.

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When Nancy was in America the last time, didn't the doctor say that she only had a mild gastric ulcer and the pain was normal?

Hence, whenever she was in pain, she would take medicine.

She had already thrown away the list of examinations that she had undergone in America the last time and did not bring it back. It was really troublesome to keep those useless things.

Nancy paused for a while before remembering that Isha did look familiar. She seemed to have seen the name before.

However, she was too busy and had so many things to do every day. Furthermore, Isha's name was like a thunderclap in the entertainment industry, so it was normal to have heard her name.

Hence, Nancy did not think too much about it. If Isha came to test her again, she would definitely teach Isha a lesson!


All the cast members were present except for the second male lead.

Wherever Isha passed, the people around would be stunned. She was tall, had long legs, and was so beautiful that she looked free and easy. No matter where she went, there was no lack of people looking at her.

However, some professional actors were not convinced by Isha.

Ziya was the most displeased one among them. As Nancy's junior from the same company and also the person Nancy supported the most, her acting skills were quite good.

However, she had yet to become popular.

This time, they originally thought that they could get the second female lead role for her. Who knew that they would be intercepted by someone like Isha Sharma?

Her sarcasm was particularly harsh. "Does she really think that she doesn't need any acting skills to act in movies? Does she think she can simply play the role of Nalini just because she has the face and figure?"

The other cast members couldn't help but murmur in agreement. "That's right. Just be a model and go back to your own industry."

Isha walked past them and did not even look at them.

Director Go trusted her. Because she was too busy previously, she hadn't even taken any photos yet.

Isha did not listen to those sarcastic remarks. Life was short. Who should she waste her energy on irrelevant people?

"Director Go, I'm here!" Isha stood in front of Director Go.

Director Go smiled in satisfaction. "Go get changed and put on your makeup. There's going to be a scene soon."

"Okay, I'll go now." Isha turned around and went to the dressing room.

Immediately, the cast and crew frowned as they looked at Isha with doubt in their eyes. They did not believe that she would be able to take on this role.

Isha was indeed beautiful. However, she had no experience and had never filmed a movie before. If her acting skills were not up to standard on the big screen, her mistakes and lack of ability would be glaring.

"Director GO has always been fair and just. This time, he probably chose Isha Sharma because TANGO Entertainment invested in our movie, so he had no choice but to use someone from the Tiwari family. It can't be helped. After all, everyone needs to eat," the cast and crew secretly discussed.

Thinking about how Director Go had always tried his best to not be corrupted by money but had no choice but to bow down to capitalism this time, everyone felt uncomfortable.

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