Someone With Ulterior Motives.

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Hey guys, what's up? I've read many comments and it seems many of you still thought that I was a girl. I hope this matter is settled now. 😂🙈

Another question which some of you have asked about whatsapp. Yes... I don't have any whatsapp group. Why? Coz seriously I didn't thought that I've so many people on my whatsapp that I've to make a group. I've given my whatsapp number in bio but I don't have any group. 🤷

And One thing more Please add this story in your reading list so that you'll get notification once I update next episode. 🤳

Sorry for taking your time. Please enjoy your episode. ❤️🙏


“He dropped his phone and I helped him pick it up. Maybe he thought I was going to snatch his phone because I was wearing a hat and a mask. Luckily, we cleared up the misunderstanding in the end,” Isha said. “Do you know what’s the funniest thing? He’s actually a fan of mine and recognized me at first glance! I never thought that I’d have a fan his age!”

Shivam’s expression turned cold. As expected, Old Master Tiwari did not acknowledge Isha immediately. Instead, he tested Isha’s character.

How was that family any different from the Sharma family?

He already had an answer in his heart, but he still asked, “Other than that, didn’t he say anything else?”

“No. What else would he say?” Isha narrowed her eyes and could sense the chill on Shivam intensify.

When she opened her eyes, however, she saw that Shivam’s expression was the same as usual.

Isha closed her eyes again.

Shivam’s heart ached for the woman as he continued to massage her. She was lying comfortably on the sofa like a car being stroked. She was starting to feel drowsy.

Isha was not aware even when Shivam left her side.

When he returned, he was holding a large brocade box in his hand. He said to Isha, “Do you want to see your jewelry?”

“I do, I do!” Isha widened her eyes and nimbly sat up to take the box.

She hurriedly opened it. Inside were the 12 pieces of jewelry that she had a hard time choosing. There were necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings. Almost everything she could think of were inside.

“Wow!” Isha’s eyes were dazzled. “They looked especially exquisite in the booklet. I didn’t expect them to really look like this in real life…”

Yes, they were indeed real. Shivam immediately focused on the woman’s expression.

She could not find the words to describe what she was seeing in front of her because ‘exquisite’ was not good enough of a word.

The pieces of jewelry were not only exquisite, but they also struck directly at one’s heart, making one unable to help but smile. It was as if they were tailor-made for her.

“They’re perfectly stunning!” Isha’s finally summed up her feelings with these words. “Thank you, my beloved.

Shivam finally felt at ease.

It had been worth it to spend so much time and effort to prepare this. He also did not regret taking the time to choose the jewelry and diamonds.

Isha picked up the necklace and looked at it seriously. “Is this really just 5,000 to 10,000 rupees? It’s actually better than the ones I saw at the Dream Jewelry audition?!”

It was hard to believe that such a good item could be bought at such a low price.

However, because she really didn’t know much about jewelry, she couldn’t tell the quality of these things.

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