Improve Her Status In The Country.

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“I just realized it! It’s the man who paid for the bill yesterday! It’s the husband of that beautiful woman!”

“What the f*ck? What drama is this? Yesterday, he paid the bill for the beautiful woman, and today, he’s accompanying a guy to the mall. Is this really true? Who has that beautiful woman’s phone number? I want to report it to her!”

While everyone was talking, Shivam lowered his head and kissed Isha on the lips.

The beautiful scene only made the young women in the shop even more excited.

“Can I still believe in love? Boo-hoo! Everything’s ruined now!”

“I have no faith in this world anymore.”

“My values are destroyed!”

“My eyes!”

Before the crowd could finish their wails, Shivam left the scene of chaos with Isha in his arms.

His protective attitude made everyone feel that their worldview had collapsed, but they had to acknowledge that the two made a beautiful scene… It was really contradictory.

Isha went to an automated printer and printed out Shivam’s photo.

“I’ll put this in my purse.”

“Alright.” Shivam caressed Isha’s hair. She was wearing a wig, so it didn’t feel as good as her real hair. Even so, it was better than nothing.

Many pairs of eyes were looking at them. Some of their gazes lingered on Isha for a long time. Shivam couldn’t stay in this mall anymore. It was safer to take her away.

After Isha got back to work, her schedule was not as relaxed as before.

Fortunately, Abhay and GunGun had calmed down by now. The two munchkins seemed to have matured after experiencing life and death. GunGun, in particular, had grown closer to Isha now.

Isha and Hao Jili were participating in an event in the company together.

During the event, the questions asked by the reporters were all related to the Top Ten Model Awards.

“Isha Sharma, Jili, what do you think is the most important thing for a model?”

Jili immediately smiled and said, “I think it’s hard work and diligence. Only when you put your work first and work hard will you live up to the expectations of your fans and the audience.”

She glanced at Isha and said, “If a model is lazy, I don’t think she can become a good model even if she’s lucky. Don’t you think so, Isha?”

It was obvious that Jili’s words were directed at Isha. However, Isha was good at keeping her composure, so she maintained a smile on her face. She didn’t seem to be offended at all, and it was as if the two were old friends chatting.

In this industry, everyone was smart enough to keep their mouths shut in front of reporters.

“Yes, you’re right,” Isha agreed. Then, she added, “That’s why my schedule will be more packed from now on. I hope everyone will show your support for me.”

“Isha, why did you quit before? Why did you decide to come back to the industry? Can you tell the reporters?” Jili asked.

Isha smiled and said, “Modelling is the career I love most. I’m sorry for my temporary withdrawal. I hope everyone will pay more attention to my future work.”

UG stopped the reporters and directly slapped Jili in the face with his next words. “Isha will be participating in the shooting of the cover of the new Beauty magazine. She’ll also be participating in several big shows and activities of several brands. These are all the jobs that were offered to Isha long ago. The reason why she can’t quit is that everyone is cheering for her.. If she leaves, it’ll be a great regret for the modeling world.”

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