Be Responsible To The End!

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This way, his sins would not be as great.

It would not be as bad even if Mr. Pratap blamed him.

He could not help but secretly rejoice that he had not succeeded in getting things his way. Otherwise...

Sweat poured out of Mr. Parag’s forehead like a fountain.

He walked carefully toward Shivam.

UG quickly stood in front of Shivam and Isha.

Mr. Parag walked closer and saw Shivam’s adoring gaze on Isha. Shivam asked in a low voice, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, hubby. But we can’t stay here for long. Let’s go,” Isha said softly.

Hearing Isha call him ‘Hubby’, Mr. Parag’s sweat poured out like a broken dam. Hubby? Isha said that she was married and had a family. Her husband was Mr. Pratap?

On Mr. Parag’s extremely boorish face, his nerves were trembling. His thick black eyebrows were like two caterpillars. Just like his aura at the moment, he became timid.

“P-Pra...” Mr. Parag had never thought that he would one day stammer like this.

The moment he said those words, Shivam’s gaze was on him. It was as if there was magic in Shivam’s eyes that froze Mr. Parag.

“Mr. Parag, you’re in such a good mood today,” Shivam said calmly. His anger and displeasure spread throughout the room.

“No, I wouldn’t dare...” Mr. Parag forced out a smile. He did not expect that the person he wanted to lay a hand on was Shivam’s wife!

Mr. Baghha could also tell from Mr. Parag’s attitude toward Shivam that something was wrong. He wondered if this man was Mr. Pratap. How many people could make Mr. Parag so scared and have the surname Pratap?

With a plop, Mr. Baghha’s legs went weak as he fell on the floor.

His fall eased the tense atmosphere in the venue. Everyone looked in his direction with surprise.

Shivam could not be bothered to lecture such a person in front of Isha. He lowered his eyes and said in an indulgent tone, “Let’s go home first.”

He hugged Isha and left.

UG and the dumbfounded Jio hurriedly followed them.

Seeing Mr. Parag’s change in attitude, UG secretly wondered about Shivam’s identity.

The scared Jio and the worried Isha did not notice the changes in Mr. Parag at all.

After leaving, Shivam brought Isha to the car. UG went home and sent Jio off.

When they got into the car, Isha felt a lingering fear. “That Mr. Parag is really too scary. I really didn’t expect you to come. Fortunately, nothing happened tonight.”

“He’s quite bold.”

Isha did not detect the anger hidden in Shivam’s cold voice and nodded. “Yes, I’ve never seen someone like him. I don’t know how many women have been victims to him in the past. Fortunately, I invited his grandmother over and managed to resolve it.”

“It’s been hard on you.” Shivam held her hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb. His woman was smart and knew how to make use of Grandma Parag. Otherwise, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Mr. Parag would probably not dare to touch Isha anymore.

However, Shivam would remember this clearly!

Isha said softly, “Don’t worry. Brother UG and I are experienced in dealing with such matters. However, tomorrow’s shoot might not go on as normal anymore. Maybe Mr. Parag will look for trouble with us. I wonder if Pratap Group, who invested in us, will step in to interfere?”

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