Very High Aesthetic Value.

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However, Isha was carried into the room by a man and never came out of the room again. As an assistant, Jio could not reveal this to anyone.

This was regarding the reputation that an artist had painstakingly built.

However, that man looked quite handsome just from his figure. Who knew which popular handsome guy in the entertainment industry he was? She didn’t expect Isha to settle down in a relationship so quickly.

Old Master Tiwari was eager to see Isha and said, “Let me see her.”

“No!” Jio hurriedly said.

“Why not? I said I want to, so I will.” Old Master Tiwari walked past her.

Jio thought that he was an investor and quickly pulled him aside. “Isha must be taking a shower and resting. It’s not convenient for you to go now. Besides, who are you? If you go and look for Isha and the reporters catch you, you’ll cause her trouble. Let me tell you, our Isha is someone who follows the rules. She doesn’t accept requests to eat and drink together. At your age, you should have lots of children and grandchildren. It’s better for you to go home. If you keep looking for female artists, it’ll only bring trouble to both of you.”

She didn’t know Old Master Tiwari. She just didn’t want him to see Isha.

If Isha had a scandal with a young man, it could be remedied. But if she were to be seen with such an old man… the consequences would be unimaginable.

When Old Master Tiwari heard such words, he couldn’t help but laugh. Isha, this child, being able to maintain her purity in this circle had brightened his mood. His granddaughter was indeed awesome!

Thinking that Jio was right, Old Master Tiwari did not insist and said, “I’ll leave you a number. When Isha wakes up, ask her to call me. I’m telling you, I’m not a bad person.”

‘Who can be sure?’ Jio thought to herself. However, she could tell that this old man was very imposing. If he could even suppress someone like Harish, his status must be quite high.

Therefore, she did not dare to neglect Old Master Tiwari’s instructions to give Isha his phone number later.

Old Master Tiwari wrote down a string of numbers for her before leaving.

Jio looked outside and saw that Harish was still rolling around in the snow. Looking at the snot and tears on his face, he was truly in a sorry state…

Jio then returned to her room in satisfaction and casually made herself a cup of coffee.


After Harish rolled in the snow, he finally endured the cold for about the same amount of time as Isha. His hands and feet were numb from the cold, and he had lost all control of his facial expression.

One could imagine how difficult it must have been for Isha when he asked her to put on a look of joy just now.

“Hurry, hurry up and get me some clothes…” He was frozen like an ice popsicle.

However, before the person beside him could bring him some clothes, a bodyguard in black and wearing sunglasses walked over. He said, “Mr. Pratap said to have you stand in the snow for another 20 minutes!”

“Mr. Pratap…”

“The mysterious person in charge of Pratap Corporation…”

“Oh my God, Mr. Pratap was also involved in this matter…”

Hidden Marriage - Amazing Husband 【Season 2】Where stories live. Discover now