The Father's Mistake.

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Jayanti covered her face. "Who is that man? Why is he so scary? I don't believe it!"

Why did her father have to be so afraid of that man? Speaking of which, her father had made it big these past few years. Usually, the people Jayanti met treated her with respect. When had she ever seen her father so afraid of someone?

"Shut up! This is also only something that you would ask! Don't mention it in the future again!" Karan Mishra grabbed her hand. "You will personally apologize. I hope the heavens will let us have a chance to turn things around. Otherwise, the whole family will be in trouble."

Jayanti was so frightened that she kept quiet out of fear. She really didn't expect her father to be so afraid of someone. How did Isha manage to do this?

However, she didn't even dare to ask such questions now. If the Mishra family really went bankrupt and it was because of the stupid things she did today, Jayanti didn't dare to think about her future...


In the private room, Rudra was chatting happily with Abhay and GunGun.

Shivam and Isha were talking in low voices. When the manager walked in and saw this scene, he could not help but hold his breath. He tiptoed to Shivam's side and whispered, "Mr. Pratap, Miss Sharma."

Shivam lifted his eyes slightly, signaling him to continue.

"The two people surnamed Mishra are downstairs. They said they want to apologize to Miss Sharma." The manager knew Shivam Pratap because he was a regular here.

He only knew that Shivam had a high standing, but he didn't know how high his status was. Besides, Mr. Rudra had already greeted him earlier, telling him not to be too obvious.

That was why he rushed to report this matter.

If he had known that this was the great Mr. Pratap, he would have sent those surnamed Mishra away long ago. Isha asked curiously, "Who are the people surnamed Mishra?"

"One is called Karan Mishra and the other is called Jayanti Mishra," the manager hurriedly bowed and said.

Isha was surprised and said to Shivam, "Jayanti Mishra is the spoiled daughter of a rich family. The few times she saw me, she purposely picked a fight with me. She actually wants to apologize to me now? That's really strange."

Shivam's expression remained unchanged as he said, "Perhaps her family found out that she went overboard today, so they brought her here to apologize."

"That's possible. Some parents are very reasonable and strict with their children's education," Isha said. She reached out to push her long hair on her shoulders and curled her red lips into a smile. "But I don't want to see her right now. It's affecting my appetite. Manager, please have them leave."

"Okay, I'll go do it now," the manager replied and quickly left.

Isha did not take this matter to heart.

Karan Mishra, who was outside the door, heard that their apologies were useless. It wasn't easy for him to find out that Isha Sharma and the others were eating here. If he missed this opportunity, then next time, he wouldn't be so lucky to meet Isha and that man again.

At the thought of this, he pulled Jayanti and knelt down in the underground parking lot without a second thought. He was determined to not give up until he saw her.

Jayanti had long regretted it so much that her intestines were all twisted into a bunch. If she had known that this would be the outcome, she would have... No, the last time she bought clothes, she would have kept her mouth shut and not argued with Isha.

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