Chapter 2

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My first day back went pretty well! I really like all of my teachers, and now that I can take some senior classes (I'm one of the smartest in my grade, so I take a few classes that are mostly seniors), I can get to know new people and maybe even make some friends!

For instance, I sit with a senior in Mrs. Dorothea's class. She's...nice...

Okay, so she isn't the most amazing person. Last year she kind of wreaked havoc. Three people switched schools because of the bullying; everyone knows who she is, and she isn't someone you want to mess with.

Considering the fact that I'm gonna have to talk to her every day, I'm lowkey terrified. I'm super sensitive and emotional, so it won't take much at all, especially from her, to really get to me.

So my plan is to basically talk as little as possible. If I don't say anything, she can't get mad at me, right? Unless it's the opposite. If I don't talk, she's gonna get mad because she'll have to carry all the work. So I have to talk. But what if I say something that makes her mad? Or what if I accidentally get the wrong answer when we're working together? I'm sure that'll piss her off.

Maybe I just shouldn't go to school. She won't have a reason to get mad at me if I'm not even there.
But then she'll have to work by herself, and she'll get mad at me for making her do everything.

I'm screwed.

- Next Morning At School-

It's the 2nd day and I'm already ready for summer break. Better yet, I'm ready to graduate. I hate it here.

People are loud, and annoying, and they smell, and they're dumb. Did I say annoying? Cause these people are reallyyyy annoying. Especially Miss Princess Pink who sits with me.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen her yet this morning, which is weird considering she's a goody-two-shoes and would never be late to class, which started 2 minutes ago. But hey, I wasn't complaining. I really could not care less why she wasn't here.

She hasn't actually talked to me yet (thank god, I'm sure her voice is like nails on a chalkboard), but even the sight of her sparks anger inside of me.

3 minutes after the bell rang, Lover rushed into the classroom apologizing, her face red from being ashamed and embarrassed.

"Tardy on the second day? I've heard great things from other teachers about you Lover, don't let me consider them liars."

"I'm so sorry Miss, it won't happen again I promise."

Lover slid into her chair and set her things down, breathing heavily. I could see the tears forming in her eyes, but she kept blinking them away before they could slip out.

What was her problem?


I can't believe this. The second day and I'm already showing up late to class. I know it wasn't my fault, and I had a good reason, but still. They don't know that. I'm a good student.

I really didn't want to be in class, as weird as that was for me. I normally love school, but I just couldn't do it. I tried to slow down my breathing and blink away my tears, I tried drinking water and focusing on the teacher rather than my thoughts, but nothing was helping the oncoming panic attack.

Soon enough tears were streaming out of my eyes and my hands were shaking. I didn't want to have to leave class, but I had no other choice. I slowly raised my hand into the air, trying to force it to stop shaking.

"I'm really sorry, may I go see the counselor?"

"For what?" She raised her eyebrow at me.

"'s kind of personal."

"You were already late to class. You aren't  leaving just because you can't stop crying over the fact that I called you out for it."

"That isn't what's wrong."

"Oh now we're giving attitude and talking back, are we?"

By this point I was bawling.

"I-No. I'm sorry I j-just really need to go." I managed to get those few words out between shaky breaths.

"Sorry, but you're gonna have to wait. Class ends in 46 minutes, I think you'll survive" she said sarcastically as she turned back around to face the board, leaving the whole class staring at me.

As if I wasn't humiliated enough, I saw Reputation smirking from the corner of my eye.

I was having a severe panic attack, and everyone was making fun of me. Nobody was on my side. For the remainder of the class, I sat there trembling and shaking, trying to keep my sobs as silent as possible. Not to mention not being able to breathe, but not wanting to make any noise by gasping for air. Everytime I looked up, somebody was staring at me and either laughing or whispering about me to their table partner, doubling the amount of eyes on me.

Of course, the day I really needed her, 1989 wasn't at lunch today, so I sat alone, not having anybody to talk to.

That was just the cherry on top.

A/N- Hiii! Tysm for reading! If you have any suggestions for where I should take this story or what should happen, please feel free to give me some recommendations!! Have a great day/night! Love you🫶

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