Chapter 19

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"Hey Lov, dinners ready" my mom peaked her head in my room.

"I'm not hungry"

"U sure honey?"

"I'll eat later, I just need to be alone right now. Sorry"

"It's okay sweetheart I understand. Let me know when you get hungry and I'll make you something"

"Okay thanks"

"Of course honey. I love you"

"Love you too"

Once my mom left, I continued staring at the wall as I processed everything that happened today. I woke up and realized that Rep took my virginity last night. Rep and I were an official couple. I had to cover up the hickeys that she gave me last night, then went to school and got tons of weird looks cause of my shirt. Then, I blabbed our secret to the meanest girls in school, left school crying, then went back to pick Rep up. I then yelled at her to shut up, and once I got home and explained to her what I did, she screamed at me and left the room. We fought two hours ago and I still haven't seen her.

Part of me keeps expecting her to come in my room and apologize and scoop me up and hold me and tell me she loves me. But she doesn't. She's mad at me. And there's nothing I can do but wait and hope she forgives me.

At some point between 6 and 8 that evening I fell asleep. I know that's super early, but I had the most draining, exhausting day ever. It's not like I had any reason to stay awake anyways, I didn't have anyone to talk to. I was just alone, crying into my pillow.

I woke up around 12:30 later that night. Whether it was from the nightmares I had about Rep leaving me or the hunger, or the combo of both, I couldn't fall back asleep. So, I slowly shuffled out of my bed and went to go grab a midnight snack.

As I crept down the hall, I heard my parents voices. What are they still doing up? I knew better than to be nosy, but something in their tone of voice intrigued me, so I tip-toed to their door and listened to what they were talking about.

Big mistake.

"How do I bring it up?"

"I don't know honey, but she's 16 years old. Our daughter needs to be disciplined."

"I know but I don't want to embarrass her"

"Well, if you didn't purposely come home early just to catch her in the act, maybe you wouldn't have to worry about how to confront her."

What the fuck???

"I'm aware, but I'm glad I did because now my suspicions have been confirmed. That Rep girl is no good. I thought she was a nice girl and I didn't mind her at all, but now that she's fucking Lover...Lover, who didn't even know what sex was a year ago, I worry about what else is going to happen. What if Lover starts doing drugs or something?"

"Why would she do drugs? I think you're overreacting a little bit"

"Overreacting?? Lover had sex last night for crying out loud. Not only that, but with a girl."

"I understand, but I think you're being too hard on Rep. She came from a very bad household and Lover had been struggling lately too. They're good for each other, they help each other and they're happy together. And why does gender matter?"

I Love You, It's Ruining My Life | Lovertation Taylor Swift Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now