Chapter 10

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(Tw: slight sexual content, not rly that bad though lol)

Today was a good day. It was the first time this year that I actually got to school on time and didn't get yelled at by Mrs. Dorothea. I was also really happy that I got to introduce my two best friends to each other. They seemed to get along great at lunch, and despite all of the looks that people were shooting towards our table (probably because Rep always sits by herself so it was weird that she was sitting with girls like us), I'm glad we're all gonna sit together at lunch now. And Rep even gave 1989 her phone number, so I think they're gonna be good friends.

Me and Rep got home from school a bit later than usual because we went to the coffee shop a few blocks away from our school instead of heading straight home at the end of the day. So dinner was already made when we got back.

"Hey girls! How was your day?" My mom asked as she scooped some spaghetti into five different bowls.

"Good" we both replied.

"That's good," she smiled, "dinners ready, Love do you wanna go tell Tyler and your dad?"

"Yeah sure I'll go get them. Rep do you want me to put your bag in my room?"

"Oh yeah sure, thanks" Rep smiled at me as she handed me her bag and I raced up the stairs.

"Tyler! Dad! Dinners on the table!" I shouted as I placed our backpacks on my bedroom floor.

"K" I heard them shout back from somewhere down the hall.

Once I got back downstairs, I sat at the table in the chair next to Rep, and my dad and brother soon followed.

"We should do something fun tonight. To welcome Rep. She's gonna be staying with us for a while, and I want her to get to know our whole family and feel comfortable. Plus, who doesn't love a good family night?" My mom suggested.

"You don't have to do that just for me" Rep replied.

"No please, I want to. Who's down for a movie night?"

"I am!" I cheered.

"Um sure I guess" Tyler said, very unenthusiastically.

"Sure, sounds fun!" Rep smiled.

"Great! Everyone meet in the living room at 7, so in about 2 hours, and we'll pick something to watch. I can make popcorn too or whatever kind of snacks you guys want."

Everyone agreed and finished eating. After dinner, Tyler and my dad went back upstairs. I was about to, but then I saw Rep start to pick things up from the table and put them in the sink.

"Oh please honey don't worry about that, I've got it." My mom said while putting the leftovers in a tupperware container.

"It's okay, I don't mind. You've already done so much for me these past couple days, I just want to thank you."

"You're very welcome sweetheart, it's no problem at all. Now go, I'll clean up." My mom insisted.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes absolutely. Go have fun, I'll see you in a couple hours."

"Okay. Thanks again" Rep smiled before following me into my room. We spent the next couple hours finishing up some homework. That was one of the many perks of her being around, we could work on homework together. Even though I was a grade level younger than her, I took mostly advanced classes, so most of our classes were the same.

At 7 we went downstairs and sat down on the couch, the rest of my family following. My mom made some popcorn as the rest of us picked out a movie. It made me realize that I hadn't actually done something with my whole family in a while, and it was really nice to spend some time with them. Plus, they got to know Rep better, and by the end of the night we all considered her part of the family.

After the movie me and Lover went back to her room to go to bed. I really loved how welcoming her family was towards me, they made me feel like I was part of their family, and their kindness meant so much to me.

"I'm gonna throw some pajamas on real quick" Lover announced as she locked her door.

"Oh I- I can get out" I said, surprised that she had already locked the door with me still in her room.

"Nah you don't have to get up, I don't really care," she waved it off with her hand, "I'm not weird about that stuff" she giggled as she tore her shirt off, then removed her pants.

Maybe it didn't affect her at all, but it definitely affected me. I sat there trying not to stare too hard as she stood there in front of me in nothing but a sports bra and underwear. She was so hot. Her body was perfect.

Lover threw on an oversized tshirt and some pajama pants before unlocking her door and plopping back down on her bed.

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick" I quickly announced before getting up and walking to the bathroom. I needed to calm tf down. It wasn't like she was naked or anything (although I wouldn't have minded that at all). Idk why her changing in front of me turned me on so much, but it did. I stood there for a couple minutes to try and snap some sense and maturity back into myself before heading back to her room.

"You good?" Lover asked, looking up from her phone.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just had to pee real quick." I laughed and lied back down on her bed.

"You don't mind if I take my shirt off do you? I get really hot at night so I normally just sleep in a sports bra. If it makes you uncomfortable then I obviously won't, I'll be completely fine, but if it doesn't weird you out or anything, that's usually what I do."

"Wha- oh no not at all" I shook my head. "Doesn't bother me at all, whatever makes you comfortable!"

"Okay, thanks for being so chill" she giggled as she slid her tshirt up over her head, once again revealing half of her upper body.

It was just a fucking sports bra. It barely showed anything. Idk why I was making such a big deal out of it, and I tried to ignore it, but it's kind of hard to ignore the throbbing between your legs, especially when the cause of said feelings was laying there right next to you.

"Goodnight!" Lover said before flipping onto her other side with her back facing me.

"Night" I said as casually as I could.

I lied there for a half hour trying to fall asleep, but it was no use. I was only getting hornier and hornier as my thoughts raced. I felt so guilty. Lover had done so much for me, and all I was doing was crushing on her. It felt so wrong to have such a massive crush on someone who had provided me with such wholesome friendship, but I couldn't help it.

Like I said, trying to fall asleep and ignore it was absolutely no use. I needed to do something to get rid of the feeling. So once I was 100% certain that she was asleep, I pulled the blanket up to my shoulders and my right hand slid...elsewhere.

I lied there for a good 5-10 minutes, trying not to make any noise as I thought about Lover while my hand did what I could only dream that Lover would do to me someday. I was breathing pretty heavily, but I don't think I made that much noise.

After that, I was able to slightly ease my thoughts enough to fall asleep. Thank God Lover had fallen asleep when she did, or else things would've been...not good.

I wasn't sleeping.

I Love You, It's Ruining My Life | Lovertation Taylor Swift Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now