Chapter 1

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🖤Reputation's Perspective🖤


My mom slammed my door against the wall as she screamed at me before stomping back down the hallway.

Great, I thought to myself. Another first day of school, another 9 months of hell. At least it's my senior year. 9 more months until I'm free.
I checked my phone. 7:57. Shit. School starts at 8:15.

Forcing myself to crawl out of bed, I skimmed through my closet until I found something halfway decent to wear. After getting ready, I went downstairs to grab some breakfast. I didn't have time to make anything, as I had 11 minutes to get my ass to school, so I just grabbed a granola bar and hoped I could hold out until lunch.


"Shut up I'm going"


There was no point in responding, whatever I said would only piss her off more. So I grabbed my things and left the house, showing up to school with 2 minutes to spare.

🩷Lover's Perspective🩷

I got to school pretty early this morning so that I would have time to catch up with my friends. I was sad for summer to end, but I was excited to see what my junior year of high school would bring. Besides, I was a straight A student, teachers always loved me, and I loved being around people, so school didn't bother me as much as it bothered others.

"What did you do over the summer?"

"I didn't go anywhere major, except for the beach. I went to the beach a lot. But other than that I mainly just stayed comfortable at home." Replied 1989, my best friend since 2nd grade.

"That sounds fun! Me, my parents, and my brother took a 3 week long trip. We spent half of the time in London, and half of the time in Paris! It was absolutely gorgeous there!!"

"You'll have to show me some pics at lunch" She insisted as the bell rang.
I nodded, gathered my things, and walked to my first hour class.


As I walked into my first class, people got quiet and stared at me. To put it simply, I was popular. I guess you could say I had a reputation. I was known for not giving a shit and doing what I want.

People call me "mean," but it's really just me not being a cringy cheesy preppy like everyone else here. Sure, I scream at people, call them names, big deal. These people need to learn how to suck it up and stop being babies. I mean come on. We're in high school, stop crying every time you get called a bitch or a slut. You obviously deserved it. God, people need to grow up already.


Mrs. Dorothea was reading off the seating arrangement as everyone stood at the front of the room, sitting down at the desk that their name was called for.

And you wanna know where she put me? IN THE BACK. I don't sit in the back. I sit front and center.

And you wanna know something about these desks? THEY'RE TWO-PEOPLE TABLES. I HAVE TO SIT WITH SOMEBODY ELSE. I hate sitting with other people. I always have to dumb down to their level.

And you wanna know who she put with me?? LOVER. I've never talked to her, I think she's a junior? All I know about her is she wears bright colors all the time, including pink dye on the tips of her blonde hair, and she's basically a 5-year-old in a 16-year-olds body. She looks like a unicorn threw up glitter on her and a fairy put a permanently-happy curse on her.

In other words, she chose the person who is the least like me to sit right next to me.

Thanks Teacher.

A/N: Hey everyone!! I hope you liked my first chapter. Hopefully it wasn't too terrible lol. I hope you have a great day/night!!🥰🫶

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