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Just gonna say it now, ofc the good stuff is gonna happen in chapter 13. It was inevitable.

"We need to talk. Can we, please?" Lover asked me after we sat down on her bed.

Oh shit shit shit please no. She knows what I did. She's gonna get mad. Things are gonna be awkward and we're never gonna talk again and she's gonna think I'm weird and probably hate me. No no no no no.

"Yeah, sure."

"What happened last night?"

Oh she knew what happened. She was just testing me. I'm not answering that question though. How would I? 'I was just masturbating to the thought of you while lying right next to you in your own bed'? Yeah, that's not happening. Wtf am I supposed to do? I wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole. I wish I could just disappear. Anything's better than this.

"Rep? I asked you a question"

"Sorry, I was spacing out."

"What happened last night?" she asked again.

"Idk what you mean."

"I'm pretty sure you do."

"Don't think I do."

"Rep, just admit it. Otherwise things are gonna stay silent and awkward between us, and I know that neither of us want that."

"Why are you making me admit something that you already know? Why can't we just move on?"

"Ah ah ah, answer my question first."

"Just promise this isn't gonna ruin our friendship"

Lover raised her eyebrow, and I got slightly turned on by her sassiness.

"Fine," I sighed. "You already know that I'm gay, so seeing you stand there and undress in front of me turned me on. Then you laying in bed with just a bra made it even worse...or better....not the point. I had to get rid of the horniness wouldn't go away on its own so" I didn't know how to continue.

"So I turn you on?" Oh fuck, she was really teasing me now.

I knew what I was doing. I knew that questioning Rep would make her feel all the feels. I liked messing with her.

"So I turn you on?" I teased.

"I-well. Yeah, but it doesn't have to be weird. Sorry I know I shouldn't have a crush on my one friend because you've been so nice and innocent. I mean- no, I don't have a crush on you. It just turned me on seeing you half naked. No, I can't lie to you. I do have a crush on you. But it isn't like that bad. I can stop if you want. Please don't let this ruin our friendship. I lied again, it is a pretty big crush. I'm sorry I-"

Wow she was really freaking out. I needed to shut her up. And there was only one way to do that.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers. I could feel Rep shiver as she kissed me back.

"Relax, you don't have to make up excuses." I said, making Rep blush instantly. "Aww, you're so cute when you blush"

"What- I-I'm not blushing." She stuttered.

"Yeah, you are" I smiled. God she was so adorable. "Let me ask you one more question Rep."

"Please no"

"You like me, right?" I asked, ignoring her request.

Rep hesitantly nodded, then tried to cover it up incase that wasn't the response I was looking for. "I don't want this to ruin our friendship though because I know your straight and-"

I put up my index finger to her lips to stop her from making up more excuses.

"How do you know that?" I smirked.


Holy fuck. She's not straight??? I thought it was obvious that she was, but apparently I'm blind.

At this point my heart was racing, my palms were sweaty, and my underwear was most likely soaked.

"I like you too Rep. I've had a crush on you since basically the moment you came here, but I didn't want to make you uncomfortable incase you didn't feel the same way about me. Plus, you already had so much on your plate, and I didn't think telling you I liked you would be appropriate."

"When have you known me to be somebody who worries about what's appropriate?" I chuckled.

"Okay whatever," she giggled, "but you know what I mean. I needed to figure out some way to see if you liked me, hence the whole undressing and sleeping in a bra thing. And then listening to you last night confirmed everything" she smirked.

"Not only did you hear me, you intentionally listened?"

"How could I not?" Oh God that was fucking hot. At this point my face was probably redder than a tomato from everything she'd been saying.

"One more question Rep, and then I'll stop."

"I swear to God Lover-"

"Shhhh. I promise you're gonna wanna hear this. I can't come out to my parents yet, they think I'm straight. But just between us, Rep, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Absolutely" I replied within half of a second.

"We have to stay secret for a little bit, because like I said, you're the only one who knows I'm not straight, and idk how my parents are gonna feel about it."

"Yeah of course. I'm perfectly fine with keeping it secret, I'm just glad it finally happened." I smiled.

"You're so down bad for me aren't you?"

"Maybe" I rolled my eyes as she pulled me in for another kiss. This time it was way better. She placed her hands around my waist and I did the same to hers. The kiss started deepening as she pulled me in closer. Lover stood us up and walked us over to her bedroom door, our lips staying connected. Before I could do anything, she spun us around and pinned me against her door.

How could a 16 year old who's never had any experience with any of this before be so fucking hot?? She seemed like she knew what she was doing. I rubbed my thighs together to try and mitigate the throbbing as she pushed up against me even more, our kiss getting more and more intense. I took my lips off of hers for a split second.

"C-can we lock the door?"

A/N- AHHH FINALLY. I didn't plan on them getting together in chapter 13 but it's rly cool that that's when it happened lol. Prepare yourselves for the next chapter, it gets a lil spicy🤭🤭

Love yall!! Thx for the support!! Have a great day/night🫶

I Love You, It's Ruining My Life | Lovertation Taylor Swift Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now