Chapter 21

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Another rly long chapter for yall!!!! (2,979 words)

It was a little after noon, Rep had been asleep in my arms for hours. I would've gone to sleep too, seeing as I didn't sleep much last night, but I didn't want to incase Rep woke up and needed me. She always feels bad waking me up when she needs me, and I didn't want her to be alone, because she needed me right now.

I could've slept though, because she didn't wake up once. I was glad she slept that long too, because I knew she needed it, and I wasn't sure if she'd be able to sleep well after everything that happened.

While I lied there with my arms around her body and my head rested on hers, I heard my parents arguing over what I imagined had something to do with Tyler. I groaned, missing the silence that just existed seconds ago, and buried my face in the nuzzle of Reps neck, pulling the blanket over my head to drown out the noise.

After a few minutes of suffocating under the blanket in attempts to ignore my parents yelling, my phone pinged with a text message.


hey, where did you put my keys

under the doormat

thx, how's rep doing?


Ugh, how do I answer this? I want to update her since Rep is her friend too, but I also don't want to say too much because I know Rep isn't very open and probably wouldn't want me explaining everything that I knew.


she's okay. she's obviously been better, not doing amazing, but she's doing okay as of now. she's been sleeping for most of the morning and i've just been laying here with her. she's going to the doctor around 2 and i feel bad cuz ik she's rly worried abt it

well tell her good luck and i hope she gets better soon
also ill send you whatever you miss at school since you missed today and i assume you'll still be out for a while, so dont worry about that

thx 9, ur the best

dont worry about it, just focus on taking care of rep <3

love you🤍🩷

love you too girl🩵🤍


After texting 1989, I checked the time. 12:27. I didn't want to wake Rep up because she was sleeping so peacefully, but if she has an appointment at 2, we'll have to leave around 1:45 and I want her to have time to do whatever she needs to do.

"Rep" I whispered as I gently shook my arm that was under her.

Thankfully she woke up, because I hated forcing her awake when she was in a deep sleep.


"It's 12:30 baby, we gotta leave in like an hour, I just wanted to make sure you had enough time to get ready." I kissed her cheek.

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