Chapter 16

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(lil more smut you guys🤭)


"You good now?" I chuckled after 15 minutes of cuddling Lover. She responded with a giggle and a smirk before nodding her head.

"What time are your parents supposed to be back?" I asked as we walked into the bathroom.

"Oh not until like 11, it's only 9:30. We've got plenty of time" she smirked at me before closing the door and turning the shower on.

I started tearing my clothes off as Lover did the same, and then we hopped into the warm shower.

We wasted no time at all, attacking each others lips as the hot shower water poured onto us. I pulled Lover into me, one hand on her lower back, the other tangled in her wet hair.

Despite the fact that we just had sex, I was still just as hungry for Lover as I was an hour ago, and I could tell the same went for her.

We spent at least 20 minutes with our hands all over each other, kissing and sucking at each other's necks. I don't know how I was getting so horny again, but I was.

"L-Lover I need you" I whispered as she sucked on my collarbone, giving me what I was sure would be multiple hickeys in the morning.

Without saying anything in reply, she pinned me against the shower wall and did the knee thing. It was a really good thing we were the only ones home at the time, considering how loud I was. I fucking love the knee thing.

She kept her leg up while she continued to suck on my wet, bare skin. I was about to beg her to go where I needed her to go, but I didn't have to. While still kissing and sucking on me, she put her leg down and slid two fingers in.

Considering how hot and steamy it was in the shower, it didn't take long before I finished and spun Lover around so I could give back.

With shaky legs, I tried to hold myself up and keep my balance while teasing Lover. I slowly traced my hands up and down her sides while I kissed her.

"Rep please" she whined.

"Please what?"

"I need you right now"

I wasn't done teasing her, so I lowered my hand as if I were gonna give her what she wanted, but then I stopped at her lower stomach and ran my hand back up her side. Lover started whining and shifting around, clearly getting impatient.

"Rep come on, please"

"Be patient, you'll get it soon enough"

"I don't want it soon, I want it now"

After that I ignored her pleads and started grabbing her thighs as I massaged them. I moved my right hand up more so that I was barely brushing against the spot that was probably throbbing by now.

"Reppp" she half whined, half groaned. She was probably so pissed at me for all of the teasing, so what did I do? I teased her even more.

Lover started lowering herself ever so slightly, in hopes to get closer to my hand, but whenever she lowered, so did I. I kept moving my hand so that it was barely a few inches away from her at all times.

After standing her back up with me and pushing up against her, I gave her one last kiss and decided to be nice. One of my hands moved to the back of her neck, while the other finally gave in and started rubbing against her clit.

Lover let out a series of moans as I sped up, tangling her hands in my hair. I continued to speed up as I sucked on her neck, Lover practically screaming my name.

I didn't think that what Rep was doing could feel any better, and then it did. Without warning, Rep slid two fingers into me while continuing her rhythm against my clit. I probably would've lost my balance and fallen to the floor had her other hand not been around my waist holding me up.

Rep kept speeding up until I was about to orgasm, but then she stopped and shushed me.

"Rep why would you sto-"

"Shhh." We both stood there in silence, her fingers still inside of me, and then I heard muffled voices coming from downstairs.

Shit. My parents were home.

"They weren't supposed to be home for another hour" I panicked.

"It's okay, we'll just get out before anybody notices"

"Wait, can we at least finish" I begged. I was that close to finishing, I couldn't just stop there.

"No Lov, we have to get out. Sorry"

We stepped out of the shower, keeping the water running to drown out any noise we made while getting dressed, and quietly discussed how we would get to my room without my parents noticing.

"Let's just wait until we hear their bedroom door close. Once they go in their room, we'll just make a run for it" I whispered as Rep nodded in agreement.

We figured it would only be a couple minutes before they went to their room, but we stood there for 20 minutes, and then my mom knocked on the bathroom door. Shit.


Lover quickly turned around and put her finger up to her lips as a way of telling me to be quiet, which I obviously already planned on doing.

"Lover you in there?" Lovers mom asked.


"Where's Rep?"

"I don't know. I was just taking a shower, she's probably in my room."

"Can I come in? I just need to grab something real quick."

"Um, no."

"Why not?"

"I'm naked mom. What else do you think?"

"Just wrap up in a towel or something, Idk. I just need to come in real quick. It'll take 10 seconds."

"Mom just wait. Why don't you go use the downstairs bathroom?"

"I'd rather just use this one. You just have to change, that won't take long."

"But mom-"

"It's fine, I'll just wait out here until you're done."

Me and Lover exchanged worried glances. She's gonna wait out there until Lover's done?

Shit. We're so busted.

A/N- Don't worry guys, I'm alive. Sorry it's been so long, I've had no motivation to write, mixed in with some writers block and not being able to come up with what to write. But here's a new chapter, sorry it's kind of short lol.

I have over 2k views on this story, which I actually find insane. Thank you all so much!! I love you all!!!🫶

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