Chapter 18

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Thanks to some very motivational cheer chants, here's another chapter with 🤞hopefully🤞some good angst (you know who you are, everyone else just disregard this cuz it probably makes no sense😭)

Once the last bell of the day rang, I walked out to the parking lot as per usual. However, Lovers car wasn't where it normally was. After spending a minute or two scanning the parking lot, I confirmed that her car was definitely not there. After I walked back inside, I called her.

"Hello?" Lovers weak voice answered. She sounded like she'd been crying.

"Where are you baby?"

"At home"

"Why? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, sorry, I'll come get you"

"Don't worry about me, my love, I'll be fine. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just didn't feel good so I went home. I'll be there in 5"

Before I could ask anymore questions, she hung up. I didn't want to just be standing there like a weirdo, so I went in the bathroom stall until she texted me that she was here.

I wonder what was wrong. She had clearly been crying, so she must've left because something upset her. Or she could've been crying because her stomach or head hurt. But this wasn't a cry as if she were in pain, this was the type of cry when she was really upset about something.

💬New Message From: 💕Lover💕
- I'm here. Sorry again that I left. My stomach hurt.

I walked out of the main doors and into Lovers car.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. My stomach just hurts. I feel like shit."

"Lover what's wrong, I can tell you're lying. Did something happen?"

"Rep I already told you my head hurts, can you stop?" she raised her voice.

"You said it was your stomach that-"

"Rep! Just shut up, please" she groaned. I knew better than to upset her even more, so I shut myself up like she told me to.

Great, not only did I spill our secret, leave her at school, and lie to her, but now I'm telling her to shut up. I'm the worst fucking girlfriend ever.

The rest of the car ride home was silent as I tried my hardest not to cry. I knew if I did, she would say something, and I didn't want this to be a big thing.

Once we got home, I went in my room. Rep obviously followed me, but I ignored her. I knew it would upset her, but I couldn't risk it. If I said something, I would start crying.


Turns out I didn't need to say anything for me to cry, her saying something was enough.

"I'm sorry Rep, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry baby, you didn't do anything wrong" She wrapped me in a tight hug.

I Love You, It's Ruining My Life | Lovertation Taylor Swift Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now