Chapter 9

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"Um...yeah...." I nodded when Lovers mom asked if my mom had hurt me. "She hurt me pretty badly."

"Can I take a look at them?"

"Um..." I looked over at Lover, hoping she would tell her mom that I didn't like that idea.

"She won't hurt you Rep, I promise. She just wants to make sure you're okay" Lover said when she picked up on the look I was giving her.

"Okay... I guess that's okay."

"Okay, you can change your mind at any time, and please let me know if I'm hurting you."

I nodded. She reached out her hand to grab my wrist, pulling my arm closer to her, which made me flinch.

"Sorry, I'm not used to physical touch that isn't a form of pain." I said, ashamed for flinching so hard at something so little.

"It's okay sweetheart, I understand. Just tell me if I'm doing anything to make you uncomfortable."

I nodded once again, and she slowly pulled the sleeves of my shirt up, uncovering the multiple deep scratch marks that my mom had left. Lovers mom pulled out some type of ointment from a basket and applied it to my hands and forearms.

"This is just gonna help with the pain and healing process. Did she hurt you anywhere else?"

"Um...yeah" I said quietly. "She pushed me into the counter, and the corner hit my stomach. I'm pretty sure it's bleeding, it feels pretty bad. I really don't to show my stomach, though." I whispered, swallowing back my tears.

"Oh honey I would never judge or anything like that. It's your choice, I just really wouldn't want it getting infected."

"I know you wouldn't, I just..." I couldn't say anything else unless I wanted to start crying, which I definitely did not want to happen.

"It's okay sweetheart, we don't have to." She gave my hand a quick squeeze before letting go. "Just please let me know if it starts to feel worse. I trust that you know whether or not you're okay." She smiled.

"Thank you" I gave her a weak smile.

"I'm so sorry that you're going through all of this. I feel like I should call CPS or something, this is clearly abuse and shouldn't be happening to you without consequences."

My eyes widened and I quickly shook my head. "No, cps will only make things worse."

"Are you sure? It could get you some help, then you wouldn't have to deal with this anymore" she gestured to my arms.

"No, they won't do anything. I've tried calling in the past, they don't believe me. It's only made my mom madder and the abuse worse. I only have a year left before I can move out anyways, I'll be okay."

"Okay, just please let me know if you need anything at all. I'll let you go now, but just know I'm always here" she smiled at me.

"Thank you" I smiled and nodded.

Me and Lover went in her room and she helped me unpack all of my things.

I Love You, It's Ruining My Life | Lovertation Taylor Swift Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now