Chapter 14

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(This chapter is literally just smut, so there's some cussing and um... other fun stuff😃)

(To my sister, pls don't read this.Like actually, don't. And istg if you tell anyone abt this I will slit your throat. You have been warned. This doesn't get brought up. Ever. Thank you🥰)

It was about damn time. I'd been waiting forever for this moment. Pinning Rep against the door, attacking her with my mouth.

"Can we lock the door?" She asked, already out of breath. If this was already making her that horny, she was gonna collapse soon enough.

"Nobody else is home. Tyler's sleeping over at his friend's house, and my parents won't be home for like 3 hours. It's just us."

"Still, please? Just in case"

"Fine" I giggled and quickly twisted the lock before getting back to work.

I grabbed both of her hands in one of mine and held them above her head before pressing up against her, making her moan slightly. My lips traveled to her jaw and neck as I started sucking on her soft skin. Rep tilted her head back to give me more access, and I quickly noticed her rubbing her thighs together.

Does she really think I'd let her get off that easily? Without me doing it for her? Absolutely not. I lowered my free hand and grabbed one of her thighs, forcing her to deal with the throbbing while teasing her.

"Lover" she whined.

"Don't be pathetic, you'll get it soon enough."

I ripped her shirt off as I pulled her away from the door and pushed her onto the bed. Right after I sat down on top of her, Rep flipped us around so that she was on top of me. While the display of dominance turned me on, I wasn't about to let her do that.

I flipped us around once again, returning to our original position.

"Stay there." I demanded before tearing my own shirt off.


"Shhhh" I pressed my finger up to her lips before going down and sucking her neck more. I could feel her trying to squeeze her thighs together again, but me sitting on top of her prevented her from doing so, which just made her even needier.

"Lover, please" she whined.

"Please what Rep"

She didn't say anything. Instead, she grabbed my hand and dragged it down to her waist before I stopped it.

"You're gonna have to be patient" I said before putting my knee between her legs, the friction making her moan.

I continued biting and sucking on her upper body, but it wasn't long before her hand tried to slide back down towards her pants.

"What did I say?? You're gonna have to be punished now." I got up and walked over to my closet. I could hear Rep whining for me to come back, but I ignored her pleads.

I grabbed a tie out of one of my drawers before returning to my previous position, straddling her waist.

"Give me your hands" I demanded as she followed my orders. I tied both of her hands together, then tied it to the bedpost.

"That's what you get for being so needy"

"But Lo-"

"The more you yap, the longer it'll take for me to give you what you want." That shut her up pretty quickly.


After a few more moments of teasing me, Lover decided to be nice. She moved towards the other side of the bed and yanked my pants off. Her lips then traveled slowly down my stomach, lightly brushing my skin in an attempt to tease me more than she already had. So much for being nice.

"Lover please I can't wait any longer"

"What do you want" she teased.

"You. Touching me. Please" I managed to get out through short, quick breaths.

She moved her hands down to my hips and slowly slid my underwear down, tossing it on the floor. I was already insanely wet, and she hadn't even gotten to the good stuff yet. She then started rubbing my clit in slow circular motions, quickly speeding up. I tightened my thighs around her hand, but after she threatened to stop if I didn't open my legs, I immediately obeyed.

Once Lovers mouth replaced her fingers, I knew I was done for. I was a moaning mess as she forcefully sucked on my clit, her fingers tracing light patterns on my upper thighs.

As if she wasn't already making me lose my mind enough, she entered two fingers inside of me without warning.

"fuck" I whimpered.

I started moving my hips to the rhythm of her fingers while clenching my fists. It felt so fucking good to have her all over me.

I was absolutely losing my mind as she thrust her fingers in and out of me, progressively speeding up, while still sucking on me. All thought left my brain as I screamed her name. I was moaning so loud, I got concerned that my parents would hear. That thought disappeared almost as soon as it appeared though, because like I said, Lover was too fucking good at this for me to be able to think about anything else.

"Lover I'm gonna-"

"No you aren't"

"Please Lover I can't-"

"Yes you can. Hold it." She demanded, her dominance making my thoughts go wild.

Stopping my orgasm from happening was near impossible, considering everything she was doing to me. I take that back, it was impossible.

"Lover" I moaned as my whole body clenched. I lied there screaming for a few seconds before I collapsed onto the bed, practically panting.

"You're terrible at following instructions. You're gonna have to pay for it, again."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't."

"Well, that's a shame, maybe you'll do better this time." I wasn't used to this aggressive side of her. It was much different from her typically sweet nature, but I was not complaining, it was fucking hot.

"No Lover please, I can't" I lied there with my legs shaking, still out of breath.

"Yes you can" Before I could protest, she stuck her two fingers back inside of me.

Oh fuck.

A/N- Um okay this is rly bad😭 pls don't judge this is my first time writing smut and I'm highly aware that it's probably rly cringe.

But anyways, in the next chapter do yall want to fast forward to like an hour later when they're done having fun, or would you want a part 2 to the smut? I can do whatever yall want, it's just a matter of if my smut is worth reading more or if you never want to see it again and I should move on lmao. All up to you guys, I'm okay with either!!

Also, this story is at 1k views?? THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! You guys' support means so much to me, and I love all of you!! Have a great day/night!!🫶

I Love You, It's Ruining My Life | Lovertation Taylor Swift Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now