Chapter 17

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We're so busted. If my mom finds out we showered together, she'll kill me.

"Why can't you just go downstairs?"

"Why can't you just hurry up and get dressed so I can get in the bathroom?"

"I just don't understand why you don't go downstairs. It'll be faster. I'm gonna be another few minutes still."

"Lover what is your problem?"

"Oh my god mom I just need some privacy, is that so hard for you to understand?"

"Fine. If you're gonna be like this, I'll go downstairs. I don't know why you're being so secretive."

"I'm not hiding anything!"

I assume she left after that because she didn't respond. Me and Rep waited for about 30 seconds just to make sure we didn't hear anyone outside the door. Then, when we were sure nobody was there, we made a run for it to my room.

"That was close" Rep said as she closed my door behind us.

"Yeah all thanks to my stupid mom. She said she'd be home a little after 11. Why are they back already? And why'd she have to be so stubborn? We have another bathroom for a reason." I rolled my eyes, using my frustration to cover up the fact that I was terrified. Not just of getting caught, but of getting Rep in trouble.

"It's all over now, she didn't find out. We're okay." Rep said in a calm and quiet tone as she sat next to me on my bed and put her arm around me.

"How do you always know what to say and do to make me feel better?" I smiled before kissing her.

After kissing me back, Rep suggested we blow dry her hair so that my mom wouldn't get suspicious if she walked in.

"Smart" I nodded as I grabbed my hair dryer out of my closet. After plugging it into the outlet next to my bed, I sat behind Rep and started drying her hair.

"I meant I could dry my hair, but this is more fun." She joked as I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"Your hair is so thick and wavy. It's so pretty" I said as I played with her hair, running my fingers through it.

"Says you" she turned around and nodded towards me.

"Yes says me, you're gorgeous." I kissed her on the cheek, making her blush.

"Okay miss blue eyes, straight blonde hair, literally perfect human being"

"Stopppp" I giggled, probably blushing, "you're actually stunning Rep."

"Whatever you say" she smiled before turning back around so I could finish drying her hair.

"Okay, your hair's dry, wanna go to bed now? It's almost 11." Lover said as she unplugged the dryer and shoved it back into her closet.

"Only if you play with my hair while I fall asleep." I smirked.

"What was I just doing for the past half hour??" She joked.

I Love You, It's Ruining My Life | Lovertation Taylor Swift Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now