Chapter 15

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Smut pt. 2 (LAINEY (my sister) GO AWAY PRETTY PLS)


"Lover please I can't"

Not being able to handle more than one round? Yeah right. This is Rep we're talking about.

"You're gonna have to" I said as I thrust my fingers in and out of her.

"Wh-what if I gave y-you-"

"Shut up. You can do whatever you want to me afterwards, but not yet. This is your punishment, remember?"

It didn't take long for Rep to orgasm again. She lied there breathing even heavier than before, her legs shaking like crazy.


"Shhh. Don't say anything."

I lied next to her and started kissing her, which eventually calmed her down. I was really horny from watching her lose her mind, but I didn't want to ask for anything. I also had never had sex before, and I was kind of scared, so I just didn't say anything.

She must have read my mind or something, though, because once again our kissing got more intense. The only difference was this time, she was in charge.

I was nervous, being only 16 and having never had sex before, but I was mainly just horny, so any other thoughts were immediately shut down.

While still kissing, Rep crawled on top of me and traced her hands down my sides. She continued doing so for a while, and I was only getting more and more impatient.


"Rep please" Lover whined.

I wanted to do Lover so hard, really I did. But there was also this part of me that was hesitant. She's only 16, you can't go that rough on a 16 year old virgin.

"What's with that look on your face? Please Rep, I need you."

"Lover I don't wanna do too much"

"What do you mean?"

"You're 16, you're a virgin. I don't wanna, like, make you uncomfortable or something."

"The only thing that's making me uncomfortable is you not touching me" she smirked.

It didn't take much to convince me, so I gave in. I started kissing down her sides like she had previously done to me, and I could tell how needy she was getting.

"Rep" she whined.

Before she could say anything else, I tore her shorts off and stared massaging her through her underwear. She started moaning more and more as I sped up, and I could feel how wet she was.

I contemplated whether or not I wanted to go any further, but I knew what her answer would be if I asked her, so I slid my fingers through the waistband and tossed them on the floor.

Instead of using my fingers immediately, I pushed my knee up between her legs and put all of my weight on that knee, and that really got her. I stayed like that, sucking on her neck and collarbone as she grinned against my knee, moaning like crazy.

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