Chapter 11

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The next morning I woke up to hear Lovers bedroom door opening. We both blinked our eyes open and stared at Tyler standing in the doorway, who was staring back at us.

"wtf are you doing?" he said to Lover.

"What are you doing? It's 5:30 in the morning. I could still have slept for another hour" Lover groaned.

"Why are you in a bra?"

"Ew Tyler stop being weird. I always sleep in a bra because I get hot at night and it's more comfy. We've already had this conversation before."

"Yeah but with your friend in bed with you? That's just gross"

"It isn't weird if you don't make it weird. We're just friends, and we're both girls, so I really don't see the problem."

"The problem is that you guys basically slept together."

"Yeah we slept together, but we didn't sleep together. Huge difference. We slept in the same bed, but it's not like we were... yk what, just get out and stop making normal things awkward."

"Gladly, I can't stare at my sister in a bra any longer"

"Omg Tyler you're so dramatic it's a piece of clothing just like any other."

"Whatever you say" he called from the hallway, though he probably didn't actually listen to a word Lover said.

That was a fun early morning conversation I got to listen to.


"Sorry about him, he's annoying"

"It's fine" Rep shrugged.

"Do you wanna get up now or sleep for another 45 minutes?" I asked.

"I mean we're already awake, we might as well just get up."


We both stumbled out of bed and rummaged through our clothes in silence. The vibes were off, and we both knew why, but she didn't know that I knew why. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to embarrass her, but after last night, things were just kind of off.

"Do you um, want me to make us some breakfast?" I asked, trying to start conversation.

"Sure. I don't care what we eat, just whatever you have." She said, leaving me with nothing to reply to. She walked into the bathroom and got dressed while I did the same in my room.

I hated this. Yesterday we had been laughing and talking and super comfortable with each other, and now things just felt uncomfortable. I personally didn't even care that much that she did what she did, big deal, everyone does it. I just didn't like how quiet and awkward it was. You could tell she was trying to avoid me, probably because if I had been awake, which I was, she didn't want to be put in that uncomfortable situation.

But the silence wasn't even the worst part about this situation. It was the fact that...nevermind. It doesn't matter.

(The worst part is the fact that I liked it. It turned me on last night listening to her heavy breaths and whimpers. But there was absolutely no way to bring that up. So we were both just avoiding each other, even though we probably had the exact same feelings about each other.)

Like I said, it doesn't matter. What happened last night did not change my thoughts on anything at all

Definitely not...

This morning was so awkward. We barely said anything to each other. It was my fault. I felt so guilty and embarrassed about last night, even though she was asleep, that I couldn't help but keep to myself and not talk to her. I'm not really sure why to be honest, I just couldn't talk to sweet innocent Lover without being reminded of what I did last night.

She didn't even know about it though. I was making things awkward and they didn't have to be. I could just forget about it and she would never know and everything would be fine.

"Hey Lover you okay? Things seem off this morning."

"Yeah everything's fine. Just tired" she giggled, but I could tell it was a fake cover-up laugh.

"So nothings going on between us? Nothing happened last night that's causing this tension?"

"No, not at all! Why would you think that?"

"Just wondering" if you know what I did last night. But I didn't say that last part. Obviously.

I mean, there's no way she knows, right?

She was asleep, right?

The fact that I heard her moving around the whole time was because she was tossing and turning in her sleep. The fact that she woke up a minute after I finished and looked at me afterwards was just coincidental. The fact that I was almost positive that she was lying about nothing being weird about last night. That was all just in my head, RIGHT??

Shit. She was definitely awake. She definitely heard me. I'm definitely screwed.

A/N- Sorry for such a short chapter😭869 words (including the authors note), it's usually like double that💀 But dw, I'll post more tmr, I just wanted to post this quick "filler" chapter ig you could call it. But it's 2:30 in the morning so if this part makes no sense, that's probably why. That or I'm just dumb. Either way. Goodnight✌️

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