Chapter 22

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*One Week Later*

🫶No ones POV🫶
Rep has been slowly getting better this past week. She isn't in pain anymore and she's able to focus on other things, but she also keeps getting triggered by certain things and having flashbacks.

Tyler is back in the house, but he isn't allowed to leave his room. His mom brings his meals up to his room, and he has his own bathroom connected to his bedroom, so the only time he gets to leave his room is for school. His parents are still deciding what they're gonna do about him, because they think charges should be pressed, but he's still their son.

It's a Sunday evening, and Lover and Rep are cuddling in Lovers bed.


"You think you're ready to go back to school tomorrow?" Lover asked me as she stroked my hair, my head resting in her arms as we lied down in her bed under the blanket.

Neither me nor Lover had gone to school last week. I didn't go because I was obviously recovering from the incident, and Lover didn't want to leave me alone because she's a sweetheart.

That and the fact that the whole school knew about us. That also kept us away.

"I don't know" I replied dryly.

"I think it would be good if we tried. I know it'll be hard, let's just hope that people have forgotten about 'us' by now."

Yeah, we better hope.

*They went to sleep, time skip to the morning*

"Good morning my angel" Lover smiled at me as my eyes fluttered open.

"Morning cutie" I smiled back, trying to match her energy, which was hard considering it was 6:30 in the morning.

"You ready for today?"


"We'll be okay, I promise. The school knows about everything that happened, I'm sure we can keep our phones on if either of us need each other. We can also take a half day if it gets too much."

"I know I just...I don't want you to get made fun of"

"Baby don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"I love you" I scooted closer to her and took advantage of the morning snuggles.

"I love you too baby" she kissed my forehead.

We lied there for about 10 minutes before we decided to actually get up.

Once we got dressed we went downstairs for breakfast.

"Cereal or pancakes? Or I could make an omelette, or I could see if we have any-" Lover stood in front of the fridge as I sat at the counter.

"Shhh Lover don't worry about it. I'm not that hungry."

"Are you sure baby? You should eat something before we go. You won't be able to eat for 5 hours if you don't eat now."

"I'm fine, seriously. I'm not a breakfast person, and I'm usually not hungry in the mornings."

"Okay, let me know if you change your mind, we still have almost an hour" she kissed the top of my head before popping two pancakes in the toaster for herself.

I Love You, It's Ruining My Life | Lovertation Taylor Swift Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now