Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning around 8 with Rep's head in my lap. I didn't want to wake her up, so I just stayed there, thinking.

I'm so glad I saw her when I did. Imagine if I hadn't. Her parents would come home to find their daughter hanging from the ceiling, dead. I know Rep doesn't have a very good relationship with either of her parents, but I would hope it would still upset them, because she's their daughter.

I started to worry about a few things though. My parents were gonna start calling me soon enough, or maybe even come over here. Actually, I'm surprised they haven't texted me yet.

They're probably just too busy fighting to remember that I ran out.

Also, I totaled Rep's front door with that crowbar trying to get in. I was scared for Rep, because I was sure her parents wouldn't take that lightly. Even if they knew that it was me who broke it, not her, they'd ask for a whole backstory, causing Rep to get in trouble either way.

I just hope Rep will be okay. If things are hard at home and at school, who says she won't try again? I knew I had to stay with her a lot, or at least check on her, because I couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

I reached across her to grab her phone so that I could save her number in my contacts, but I couldn't reach it, and I woke her up in the process.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up"

"You're fine" she smiled softly before sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

I had to think twice before realizing that she said "you're fine" as in "it's okay". What is wrong with me? Why would I think that Rep was calling me fine? I just brushed it off and used my being tired as an excuse that I wasn't thinking straight.

"How are you feeling?" I asked sympathetically.

"Okay, I guess. Way better than yesterday, but...idk." She shrugged.

"We don't have to talk about it," I quickly changed the subject. "You want breakfast?"

"Sure. I don't have much though, my parents usually get groceries over the weekend, but since they're gone, there's barely any food here."

"They just left you here for the weekend with no food?"

"Please," she gave a sarcastic laugh, "my parents do not care whether I'm fed or not."

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry about it. I've gotten used to the neglect by now."

"It shouldn't have to be that way"

She shrugged, so I changed the conversation again, assuming she probably didn't want to talk about this anymore.

"Well, my parents just got groceries yesterday, I'm sure it would be fine if you came over to my place."

"I don't want to just come into your house though. What if they don't want me there?"

"Really, it's no big deal. My brother brings friends over all the time without asking, I'm sure they can make an exception for me just this once. We can just stay in my room after breakfast. If you want, it's all completely up to you though."

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