A Day From Hell

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Troian POV

Lucy sat with the tears flying down her face like there was no tomorrow. She is completely broken. We are all in shock, I'm trying to hide my emotions so Lucy can't see inside that I'm freaking out and about to burst into tears myself, and so are Ash and Shay. The fact that we were laughing and smiling about Lucy being engaged and expecting a baby now we are in a frantic rush to get to the hospital to see if Sasha is out of intensive care.

"Goose, I promise she will be fine, you know how strong she is." Shay soothed trying to calm Lucy down but the more somebody spoke the more upset Lucy got. I wanted to pull the car over and just hug Lucy until she calmed down, but I couldn't. I was driving the exact speed limit of the freeway and trying to get to the hospital as fast and safe as possible.

Lucy has tried calling Ian so many times but he won't pick up, and neither will Keegan. Lucy also got a text from her mom saying that Maggie and her were at the hospital already and Lewis was dropping the kids off at his mom's house then he was coming to the hospital.

Lucy's face was tear-stained, red, puffy and extremely pale. She just kept weeping into her knees which she had pulled up to her chest while sitting in the front seat of my car. I think Lucy is blaming herself for what Sasha has done. Her dark brown hair was covering her face, but her shoulders were moving every time she sobbed.

Once we had got to the hospital. I parked the car them all four of us jumped out and ran across the parking lot towards front door of the hospital. But of course there was paparazzi blocking our entrance. I had given Lucy my sunglasses to hide her face as well as she could. I took her small shaky hand in mine while Ashley took her other hand and Shay took Ashley's. Once we had gotten close to the entrance, the cameras started to flash and stuff started being shouted. We, as we always do, just ignored them. I hid my face with my hand as I led them all in the door. I noticed how shaky Lucy was and I didn't think it was healthy for her to be shaking that hard.

Keegan had called Shay so she stepped aside to tell him not to get Ian to call Lucy just both of them get here as soon as possible, don't answer any questions from the paps, and don't tell Ian to worry, we've got Lucy and she's safe.

Soon after Keegan had called they both walked into the waiting room we were all put in. It was small and stuffy but it was private. Lucy spotted Ian through the tears in her eyes then ran out the room and hugged him, Keegan left them and came in and sat by me where Lucy was previously sitting.

"How is she doing?" He asked quietly.

"We haven't heard anything. But Lucy is just getting worse as time goes on." I replied.

"That won't be good for the baby will it? If she keeps stressing out." I wasn't expecting Keegan to say that.

"No, it won't be. That's why we tried to get her to calm down but she wasn't having any of it, she would just get more hysterical each time one of us spoke to her."

After three hours of waiting the doctors finally told us that she will be okay, she is sleeping at the moment and she probably won't wake up for the next six or seven hours. But there might be a glitch and she could wake up between now and then so we all decided to wait for her to wake up. And be here to support Lucy.

After a little while the room all of us were sitting in got too warm and we all moved out to the seats that were outside the room but still in the ward where Sasha was. Lucy was sitting with her eyes closed leaning on Ian's shoulder. She seemed to of calmed down after being told that Sasha would be okay.

"Is anybody wanting some coffee?" Ashley offered. Lucy's eyes shot open at the word 'coffee'.

"Can I have- Actually, I'll come with you Ash." Lucy stood up a little wonky but she managed to walk in a straight line over to Ashley and the pair walked off to the nearest coffee machine.

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