Could I Yell Any Louder?

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Lucy POV

We were just around the corner from Sasha's house. I still had slightly damp hair from the shower I slipped in for before the doctor's appointment because I never properly dried it. We pull into Sasha's driveway and beep the horn and she shoots out the door like a bat out of hell. She jumps in the car with a bag full of her stuff for the night shot and her laptop in her hand. We were just putting the car into reverse until Sasha yelped and said,

"Wait two minutes, I'll be super fast." And she jumped out the car and ran back in the house for whatever she had forgotten.

"Are you going to tell Sasha first or Marlene? She is your sister after all," Ian said quickly as Sasha was still inside.

"Em, I don't know yet. Should I tell Marlene then my mom and all them or should I tell my mom first then Marlene?" I replied.

"Whatever, you decide but you have to make it fast because we don't have much time if you're nearly 7 weeks along,"

Sasha came running out with about 4 different wires and a blanket.

"Okay, well we'll see what happens tonight on set and I don't want to even tell anybody right now. I'm still in shock but I'm also happy at thee same time, I'm just confused as well a shocked at this point. So let's just not mention it to anybody, not even Marlene, only if she asks we'll tell her. I just need some time to process it all."

Sasha POV

"To process what?" I asked as I only caught that part of their conversation.

Ian and Lucy exchanged looks then Ian started to drive out of my driveway and to set while Lucy put the radio on very loud as she looked out the window in a day-dream. Well that's rude. I decided just to ignore them seeing how they did the same to me. I'll just corner Lucy on set and get her to tell me.

Lucy POV

God, I fell extremely mean for ignoring Sasha.

We pull up to set and Ian gets our bags out the boot of the car while Sasha gets out the car with an annoyed look on her face and slammed the door then stormed off to the make-up trailer.

"Okay, she is so pissed off at us Ian!" I said while I walk to the make-up trailer.

"She will get over it, hopefully. I'll see you soon. Don't tell Marlene without me please," Ian said as he leaned down to kiss me.

"Ditto, I love you,"

"I love you more," He smiled then walked in the opposite direction to the boys' make-up trailer.

This will be fun. I thought as I opened the door to the make-up trailer. Troian is probably wondering why I cut her off on the phone when she asked where we were, Sasha is pissed because Ian and I ignored her, Shay and Ashley will be wanting to know where we were as well and Marlene is probably still there wanting to know what is going on.

"Lucy! You're alive," Troian yelled as she ran towards me pulling me into a massive hug, then Shay and Ashley joined the hug making it even tighter while Sasha sat on her phone then she took a picture of it. I'm not saying I don't love tight group hugs but if it were any tighter I would stop breathing. After about 2 minutes and a few 'I can't breathes' later they let go and started to walk back to their chairs they were sitting in.

"Wow, when was the last time you all seen her? She hasn't changed she's still the same Lucy," Sasha snarled.

Everyone sat down and never said a word to Sasha.

"Ignored, once again. Thanks guys, real mature." Sasha said while she closed her eyes and continued getting her hair done.

About 30 minutes later we all finally have our hair and make-up done and are heading to set to shoot our scenes. Thank God none of them mentioned it or questioned Sasha's little remarks because I wouldn't have been able to handle all four of then questioning me and pushing me to tell them, it's just to soon for that.


Sasha, Troian and I have a 1 hour break together while Ashley and Shay shoot a little bit of a scene and then they will be joining us for our break together. Ian isn't shooting a scene right now and as much I want to go up their and rant about how bad this secret is going to be when it gets out I can't because we were told to stay down stairs on another set, go to the trailer for touch-ups or go to Craftys.

We all decided to go and get coffee from the Starbucks at the back of the set and sit outside to get fresh air because it was really cramped inside. My back pocket starts to vibrate when we are about to sit down. I take my phone out to see that Ian was calling me. "I'll be back in two seconds," I said as I walk away from the table where Troian and Sasha were sitting.

"Why are you calling me?"

"Well it's nice to speak to you to babe."

"Don't joke Ian, what is it?"

"Wow, you're hormonal and we've only just found out that we're pregnant. This is going to be a fun 9 months. But anyways, have you spoken to Marlene? She wasn't in our trailer was she in yours?"

"No, do you know where she is?" I start to walk back to the table but stay at a safe distance so they can't hear this conversation, then I see Ashley and Shay come out the side door and sit with Troian and Sasha.

"Haven't seen her. Maybe she had to leave and we have time on our side for once. Now get back to what you're doing before you bite my head off with your snarky comments. Love you babe."

"Yes, whatever. I'm the one who is going to have to tell all the girls about this and do you know how many questions they will be throwing at me? You got me into this mess you could at least help me out of it by telling them with me!" I shout down the phone. I turn around to see Sasha and Troian staring at me. "Okay, maybe that was harsh. Not I'm busted because they all just heard me. Love you sorta, kinda, maybe."

"Okay, the hormonal Lucy is worse than the drunken Lucy. I love youuuu" He sung through the phone.

"Okay, bye love you love you love you." I hung up the phone and braced myself for going back to the table where all four of them sat watching me walk towards the table.

God. Help. Me. Please.

"What is going on Lucy?" Troian asked while Ashley, Shay and Sasha turned around in their chairs to face me.


AN: Next chapter you'll find out what happens with the girls at the table and the chapter after that is the confrontation with Marlene.

Hope you're enjoying this, Thank you for the reviews, keep reviewing please.

Ps ~ The chapters coming up have a lot of speech in them, just a little warning :) .

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