The Good The Bad And The Unexpected

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Marlene's facial expressions went from worried and confused to ...

Lucy's POV

Marlene's face dropped and a blank expression washed over her then her lips separated. She was obviously processing what we have just told her. I think Marlene was right. I do feel sick, really really sick. Her eyes went from Ian then me then back to Ian. I looked up at Ian's face, he looked just as terrified as I did. We are so fired. She stood up so she was eye level with us both. She laughed, then spoke, "Well congratulations!" She isn't mad?! "When are you due?"

"Are you not angry?" Ian replied quickly.

"What? Of course I'm not! My boys are the best thing that happened to me!" Marlene has two sons, who has both been on the show, they are the sweetest children ever. They have Marlene's facial features and really curly hair. "Is that why your faces are both priceless right now?"

"Heh," I cannot believe she is smiling and everything, woah. "Oh and the baby's isn't due for another 7 and a half months. We just wanted to give you the heads up incase any story lines have to be changed," I said with a slight smile upon my lips.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Marlene walked around her desk and hugged both Ian and I. "Does anybody else know?"

All the girls do! "Erm, not right now they don't it's just you, it's still pretty early for us to start telling people. So if you wouldn't mind just keeping it to yourself and the writers until we tell the others, which won't be for a little while because it is still so early on." Ian pitched in as he put his hand on the small of my back and Marlene stood directly in front of us with a smile on her face.

"Are you sure that you're okay with this Marlene?" I added.

"Honestly. I am over the moon for you guys. I am obviously quite surprised by it all, as are you two but I wouldn't be mad over something like this." Why are my eyes watering? "Better questions is, Lucy are you okay?"

"Yeah, my eyes just keep wanting to cry at emotional times."

"So that's pretty much every time we have a conversation with anybody," Ian said while laughing, Marlene soon laughed after his as my cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

"Anyway, I'm here if you both need anything. Now Lucy you better get back to work, tell Norman I'm sorry for holding everybody back, and Ian you go back to sleeping or singing country songs like you were doing last Friday." Marlene joked. Ian and I said our goodbyes then walked out her office and down the hall to his dressing room. When we were outside his door I ran to his little mini fridge to get us both a bottle of water before heading back down to the stage.


8 hours later we are finished and allowed to leave. I got up from the sofa I was sitting on for the scene and started to walk to my dressing room. I think the other girls went to get food first before heading up to get changed and go home. I got to the top of the stairs then started to walk by everybody's dressing rooms with their names on it. Brant, Janel, Tyler, Ian, Sasha, Ashley, Lucy, Troian, Shay, Holly. Tell me I never just walked by my dressing room, I'm too tired. I got into my dressing room and started to get changed, I took the crazy-patterned dress I had on off and hung it up in my wardrobe so I could just lift it and put it on the hanger so it can be washed for tomorrow. I put my plain black leggings and a simple faded grey tank top on.

I stood looking in the mirror for about two minutes before pulling up my shirt and looking down at my stomach. I can't believe I have a baby in there. Ian and I are going to have a baby. I don't look pregnant at all, I still have a flat toned stomach. How big will I get before people start to question if I am pregnant or not?

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