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Lucy POV

Twenty minutes after arriving we are all sat at the table. I was at the top left right in the corner, Ian was on my right then next to him was Hudson, Sasha's boyfriend then it was Sasha. Facing me was my mom then my step dad was in front of Ian then Maggie then Lewis. And at the top of the table at our side was Sean, he always wants to sit next to me because I let him play with my bracelets and my watch and that entertains him for the night but drives everybody else round the bend because of the noises they make when they hit together. One of my bracelets was my grandma's bracelet, before she passed away a few years ago she gave it to me before her wrists were too slim for it and it kept falling off, I also got one of her rings which I never take off. The other two bracelets were from Ian. One had both our initials on it and the other had a simple rose pattern engraved lightly on it.

I swapped the bracelets from my left arm where they always were to my right arm so when I put my hand on the table nobody would see the ring.

I ate dinner with one hand and thankfully nobody questioned why I was doing that. We usually either stay at the table for a little while talking about what everybody has been up to before having desert or we all go and sit in the family room and do he same. I heard Sophia moaning as if she was going to start crying then Stuart started to do the same.

Maggie stood up to go and feed them but I quickly stood up after her and she looked at me funny.

"We'll feed them. Give Ian the bottles and I'll go see them." I said and motioned Ian to get up.

"Their bottles are in the fridge, Ian" Maggie said as she sat back down on the chair and I walked into the living room and not long after me Ian did the same.

"Who's hungry?" Ian said in the babiest voice he could do while scooping Stuart up and sitting on the couch next to me while I already had Sophia in my lap. Both of their big deep blue eyes lit up when they seen the bottles of milk. I took a bottle from Ian and sat right in the corner of the 'L' shaped couch which took up a small part of my mom's huge family room. Sophia lay back into my arm as she held the bottle herself. But Stuart on the other hand was more interested in running wild than having his bottle so Ian chased him around the room for ten minutes before he got hungry and wanted his bottle.

Sophia was half way through her bottle when she fell back asleep in my arms leaning on my chest. I studied her little button nose, her big long black eye lashes, her little ears, her dirty blonde wavy hair which was curly at the ends and her little hand was wrapped around my finger. She looks more like Maggie as a baby than I did. Maggie and I don't look anything alike. She has blonde hair I have dark brown hair, she has blue eyes and light eyebrows and I have hazel eyes and dark eyebrows. The only thing we both have in common is our facial features like our noses and chins. But the twins look like Maggie while Sean looks like Lewis, yet Stuart looks like Sean as a baby.

I feel myself drifting to sleep while sitting with Sophia curled into me. I have a cheek to sleep. The past two days all I've done was sleep, sleep, eat, sleep, pee, sleep, eat, pee, sleep, get engaged, pee, sleep.

Ian was sitting right next to me with Stuart sitting on his lap drinking his bottle. "Two seconds ago I feel like I was at the hospital with you when Maggie went into labour with these two and now they are both feeding themselves. Do you think it'll all go this quick with us?" Ian asked quietly as I put my head on his shoulder.

"Probably, if not quicker. Eighteen years and however many kids later we'll think back to these days and wish our lives were just as simple as they are just now,"

"Wow. You want more kids after this one?" Ian asked, surprised.

"Well, yeah. I mean only if one; you want more and two; if it doesn't hurt." I couldn't even bear to think about child-birth. Ouch.

"Of course it'll hurt. You'll be pushing a baby out!" Ian said sarcastically while laughing at his own remark.

"Just to let you know, I think your hand will hurt aswell from me squeezing it." I looked up at him with a sly smile on my lips.

"Right okay, let's make a deal. We'll have more kids if we both don't get hurt that much having this one. Deal?" Ian put his hand out for me to shake it but Sophia was lying on one of them and her hand was tightly gripped around the other.

"Hands are full can't shake on it, kiss me and that'll make up for the hand shake," Ian lowered himself down and pecked my lips. "Do you think we'll be good parents?" I questioned as I look right into Ian's bright blue eyes.

"Well these aren't even our children and look. They are both fed, watered, comfy and safe and we've only had them for twenty minutes. We will be the best parents we can be for this baby. And that'll be pretty damn good seeing how you're asking. Not everyone gets to be a parent in their life so it's a blessing to be one with you, even if the baby was a surprise." Ian was right, I don't know why I even asked that or began to start worrying about it. The amount of times we've had the twins at our house for the day and night or the sleepovers we have with Sean every so often and we've coped well. Maybe Sean will had a temper tantrum once in a while because we aren't getting a McDonald's for dinner but he eventually calms down, apologizes and all is forgiven within thirty minutes. "You should stop worrying about it,"

"I'm not worrying about it."

"Liar, your eyes go a certain way when you start to worry or panic. We won't be perfect parents but who is?"

He is the most amazing and supportive person ever. "I love you, you know that?"

"I love you too, and I bet you never knew that." I gave him a soft smile while closing my eyes just for a minute. Ian did the same.

I was woke up by the sound of a picture being took, somebody giggling and the bright flash in my face. I opened my eyes to see Sasha has just took a picture of Ian and I and the twins all sleeping. He had Stuart on his chest facing into his neck with his arms holding him there and Sophia was curled into a ball in my lap still leaning into my chest while her fingers were still wrapped around one of mine.

"We came in to tell you that desert is being put out the now, if you two want it." Sasha said with Sean on her back.

"But I can eat it if you want to go back to sleep," Sean smiled and Sasha laughed.

"What? You're going to eat my pudding and you ate my bread for my soup earlier! Not a chance young boy." Ian got up with Stuart and put his head on his shoulder and carried him towards Sean who was still on Sasha's back. "Let's make a deal, you and Auntie Sasha can take your brother and sister from us and we can eat both of you desserts and our own too." Sean and Sasha looked at each other and shook their heads.

"That is a fantastic deal," I walked over to where they were all standing with Sophia cuddling into my neck, "because, wait do you hear that?" Ian made a fake gurgling noise pretending to be his stomach. "Uncle Ian is so hungry he could everybody's dessert!"

"Please don't eat mine Uncle Ian and I will never be bad ever again." Sean gave us the puppy eyes.

"Okay deal, but I might eat Auntie Sasha's if she doesn't delete that picture." I added while I walked over to the double stroller and placed Sophia in one seat and Ian placed Stuart in the other. We tucked them in with a big fleecy blanket and gave them both a kiss on the head and walked into the dinning room.

We sat in the seats we were sitting in before and ate our dessert.

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