Dont Assume Too Much Lucy

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Ashley POV

"Erm," Lucy stuttered. "Nothing. Nothing is going on" She said as she walked around the table and sat down.

"You sure about that?" Troian said with a raised eyebrow.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Lucy is going to hate us for listening to her conversation.

Lucy's POV

"That doesn't mean anything, right Troian?" Shay lied, while kicking Troian's legs underneath the table. Why are they acting so weird?

Troian glanced at Ashley and Shay, who both shook their heads. "No, do you know what? That does mean something, you almost hit the deck earlier when you doubled over in pain then you leave the set early after coming back looking like you've seen a ghost. And then when you called-"

"Troian don't!" Shay shouted.

"Don't what?" Sasha said.

"She looks like she's has been through hell today, just drop it." Ashley added.

"What? I'm not dropping this, you both heard what was said!" Troian argued. What the hell is going on, and what did they hear?! "When I called earlier to say come to set, you never hung the phone up, so we heard everything that was said after that."

They heard everything? Meaning the doctor's appointment aswell?

"Lucy," Sasha spun in her chair to face me and caught my glance. "What is going on?"

"Nothing is going on!" I denied.

"Then what are they talking about?" I looked blankly at Troian, but Ashley nor Shay would dare lock eyes with me.

"Ask them, seeing how they heard everything. Did it not cross any of your minds to hang up? They were extremely private conversations!" I stood up, grabbed my coffee and headed inside just when the buzzer went off to tell us to be on set within 5 minutes. I wasn't far in the building until I heard the door bang shut behind me and the girls' footsteps getting closer and closer towards me. I need to talk to Marlene, because I can't keep this to myself anymore. I spied Norman talking to one of the camera men, "Norman!" I said loud enough for him to hear me. He spun around and walked towards me with a frown on his face. "I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I haven't seen Marlene yet and I've to speak to her. " The girls walked by each trying to keep to listen in and hear what I'm saying. "Do you know if she is in her office? Or floating about one of the sets?"

"I'm sure she is in floating around somewhere. I actually seen her and Ian talking about 5 minutes in the Marin kitchen."

"Okay," I went to walk over to the stage with the Marin kitchen on it but the bell rang meaning we've all to be on set and ready to start shooting. I walked over and sat on the arm chair while Troian was standing next to me and Ashley and Shay we're sitting on the couch to my right. This will be fantastic.

"Rolling. And action!"


We managed to get the scene done twice without messing up. But now we had block shoot each line, which is a pain in the ass. They were setting up when I seen Ian waving his hands, gesturing for me to go over. I mouthed 'I can't, we're blocking right now. What's up?' He walked towards Norman and said something in his ear and Norman responded with a nod. Ian walked over towards me, and leaned over me to whisper in my ear.

"Marlene is around the corner and she wants to speak to us, like right now. I was talking to her earlier and she was asking why we weren't here and stuff and I told her that I would tell her once I came and got you. Norman said it was okay for you to leave for five minutes to talk to her. I just said that Marlene said it was okay for you to leave." My forehead was leaning on Ian's shoulder. I nodded then went to move until Ian started to whisper again, "Oh, and why are the girls staring at us?" At that Ian stood up and I followed him off the cabin set, looking at each if the girls as I trailed behind his muscular figure. As we walked by Norman and I put my hand up gesturing that I'd be five minutes, but as I walked behind Norman to go round and get Marlene he tugged my arm and spun me around to face him.

"Is everything okay? You seemed distracted while we were shooting but I just though you were playing the part, but we've cut and you still have that same look on your face," He spoke, lightly. From where I was standing the girls were behind Norman, pretending not to stare at us and make out what we were saying.

"Everything is fine, just still not feeling like myself from earlier on, you know. Thanks for asking though." Ashley shot me a worried glance but I just ignored it. I'm so mad, why didn't they hang the phone up when they knew we were having a private conversation. And why am I so angry with them? I don't know what I even feel like right now. Wow, I'm hormonal.

I turned the corner to see Ian leaning against one of the sets, before I could even ask where Marlene was he said that she is up in her office taking a call and we've to go up in fifteen minutes. I walked back towards Norman to tell him that we'll be longer than fifteen minutes. "Okay everybody, take a twenty-minute break and meet back here please!" I heard Norman shout, then heard everybody moving about.

"We should go up before they start questioning me again Ian, can we please go to her office now?"

"Wait, when were they questioning you?" Ian stopped in his tracks and pulled around to face him.

"They know Ian, they know about it. Shay, Troian and Ashley heard our conversation in the car and the conversation in the doctor's office."

Ian lowered his tone in his reply to me as a surprised and worried look came upon his face, "So they know about the ba-" At that all four of them rounded the corner, deep in conversation, or maybe pretending to be. Ian smiled at them while I had my back to them. We waited until we couldn't hear their footsteps until I started to walk away up to Marlene's office. Ian shortly cut up with me and we walked together over the stage and up the back stairs to Marlene's office. From the balcony outside you could see all the stages where the sets were, I spotted Holly talking to the girls and I also seen Norman setting up for the next shot.

"Okay, before we go in, what are we going to say?" Ian softly said.

"Um, we can just say that I'm pregnant, it's not due for a little while, we only found out today so it's early and we're not telling anybody else and were giving her the heads up incase she has to change any story lines." I am so so nervous, what is we get fired for ruining the show?

Ian knocked the door and Marlene shouted 'come in', we both walked in shaking and just stood in front of her desk where she was sitting drinking coffee looking extremely happy. "You can sit down you know,"

"I think it would be best if you sat down when hearing this," Ian replied as he gripped my hand and gave it a small squeeze. Marlene had a puzzled look on her face.

"Okay, what is going on, and why do you look like you're going to throw up Lucy?"

The blood drained from my face and I just stood there, frozen. "Um," I stuttered. "Well- I- We- Ian and-" I couldn't form a sentence. Marlene looked more worried than confused.

"What Lucy is trying to say is that we're pregnant," Ian said lightly as Marlene's facial expressions went from confused and worried to ...

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