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Lucy was put on a stretcher and into an ambulance after thirty minutes at the doctors because they couldn't stop the bleeding. "Ian, it just hurts so much," Lucy said in tears with a strong pain going through her lower stomach. The doctors are having us take an ambulance to the hospital so they can stop the bleeding as fast as they can. I called Sasha before we left so she could come and bring my car to the hospital so we can drive home and not have to get a taxi from the hospital to the doctors then drive from there.

"It's okay, shhhhh." I sat on the stretcher next to her and she curled into me, heavily crying.

Once we got to the hospital they took Lucy to a private room so they could prep her for whatever they were going to do. Sasha has texted me saying she would leave in thirty minutes with the car and nobody else knew she was driving to the hospital or Lucy was in hospital except her and Hudson. I can't have anybody else knowing because that will only stress Lucy out even more.

An hour later Sasha called me and said she was outside.

"Lucy, Sasha is outside with the car, will I let her come up?" I asked Lucy, just incase Sasha asked to come up and see her older sister. I don't think I wouldn't want my sister to come up and see me strapped to millions of machines, IV leads coming out my arms, my eyes all red and puffy and obviously in a lot of pain.

"No. Don't let them up please, I'm still in agony and I've been crying. I hate when she sees me crying." I nodded and walked over to Lucy kissing her forehead and telling her I'll be as fast as I possibly can.

I ran down the stairs to the reception to see Sasha sitting on one of the waiting chairs waiting for me. As soon as she seen me she got up and raced over.

Before she opened her mouth I had to say something. "Sasha, this will break your heart but I can't let you up to see her," I seen Sasha's eyes turn wet but no tears had spilled over yet. "She isn't the best Lucy she can be right now and we would both rather you not see her because it's not very nice seeing somebody you love in as much pain and discomfort she is in right now. I'm so sorry Sash." I gave Sasha a tight hug because she looked like she was going to break down in the middle of the waiting room where everybody was staring at us. I let her go and seen Hudson come through the door. He spotted where we were standing right away and came over.

"What is wrong with her?" That was all she managed to spit out, as she put her arm around Hudson's back and he did the same to her.

"We don't know yet," I lied. The doctors had already told us but we weren't going to tell anybody who didn't already know about the baby.

"Ian, is it bad?" She said in a whisper.

"It's not as bad as you think it is," Sasha looked down to disguise the tears in her eyes then she noticed she was still holding my car keys she handed them to me with extremely shaky hands and no eye contact.

"Keep us updated Ian, give her our best and if you need anything just call us." Hudson said as Sasha was to upset to even say goodbye. They both walked away, hand in hand and Sasha hid her tear-stained face with her other hand from all the paparazzi. It's ridiculous the lengths people go to to get a story for the media.

The next two hours went so fast. There were so many doctors in and out if the room, so many machines, scans, blood tests and baby scans. After the last result of the baby scan was given to us we were allowed to leave.

Lucy and I slipped out the back door of the hospital to avoid all the paparazzi out the front of the building. Lucy was in a lot less pain than she was in four long hours ago, she looks exhausted and still quite pale.

"Luce, jump on my back and I'll carry you to the car. You look shattered,"

Without hesitation Lucy jumped on my back and wrapped her feet around my waist, her arms around my neck and put her chin on my shoulder. It took us fifteen minutes to find where Sasha had parked it because it's nearly one o'clock in the morning and it's pitch black, so we walked the length and breadth of the parking lot twice until we found it.

Once we got in the car Lucy fell straight asleep for the twenty minute drive. Once we had got into the estate and drove to our drive way she was definitely out for the count so I just carried her up to the room, making sure I had locked the car and the front door after us. It was such a long day for both of us, but especially Lucy. I had texted Marlene to say that we were in the hospital because of the pain and she told us to be on set for two hours later than everybody else so Lucy could get as much rest as she could. I also called Sasha to see if she was okay and tell her that Lucy is getting better and we should be on set tomorrow so she will see her then.

I woke up and seen Lucy peacefully sleeping on my pillow directly next to me with a black fleecy blanket wrapped around her shoulders and tucked under her chin. I picked my phone up to check the time and noticed that if Marlene didn't tell us come two hours after everybody else then we would be getting up at this time. I put my phone back down and turned back around, Lucy started to stir like she was going to wake up but she never opened her eyes. I closed my eyes to try to dose back off to sleep.

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