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Troian POV

"Where did they go ?" Sasha whispered between other people's lines.

"They have to go do something." I said quietly trying to push all the bad thoughts and Sasha's conversation to the back of my mind.

"Like what? What is so important that they both had to leave in the middle of a table read. Why couldn't it just of waited for another couple of hours?" She moved herself discretely to Lucy's seat next to me and pretended to read the script, but really, she was just waiting for my answer.

"Sasha, if I knew I'd tell you what was going on, but I don't, none of us do. So you can call her after this and ask if she needs anything and if she is okay."

Please let the news be good.

Lucy POV

Ian and I sat side by side in the doctors office while Dr. Raymund sat infront of us explaining what was happening."The tests show that the vitamins aren't working they way they should. Whither your body has been rejecting them or maybe using them differently than what they are meant to be used, we can't tell that from the tests. But what we can tell from the tests is that the chord has held on for as long as it possibly can and it's struggling." I can't be dealing with fearing for my child anymore, I just wanted a normal pregnancy. "We are going to give you this medication which will make you extremely tired and hormonal. But it's the last option we have to keep this pregnancy going and have you to have the baby safe and healthy at the end of the six and a bit months you have left." I nodded and Ian gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "And if this medication does not work the chord will snap by the end of the month, which is two weeks."

"What are the chances that the medication works ?" Ian asked.

"We will have to wait and see how Lucy's body reacts to it. If it was rejecting the vitamins then there is a chance it might do the same to the medication."

"Meaning if this medication works we'll make it to the end of this pregnancy an the baby will be healthy ?" Ian said.

"Yes. But like I said if it doesn't there will be some complications."

"Then why give her the medication ?" I could feel Ian getting agitated.

"Because Mr Harding I am one to do everything in my power to help my patients and I do not want to leave you both with no option but to have no medication and just let whatever is going to eventually happen happen. So I will give you this medication Lucy and I will see you both in a week." I lifted my bag, put the medication in it, stood up and walked out the room with Ian hot on my heels.

"Lucy, wait you're practically running." Ian said as he was walking faster than usual so he could catch up with me. I was walking fast, just so I could get out of this hospital as fast as I could, it brought nothing but disappointing news and heart break and I couldn't stand to be in it any longer than I had to be.

We made it down to the bottom of the stairs and down to the bottom exit. Deja vu.



Later on, Lucy had fell asleep on the sofa while I cleaned up the house a little bit. She took the medication about fifteen minutes before she fell asleep. I'm praying that this medication works it's magic.

I was about to make Lucy and I some dinner when Lucy's phone started to ring I made my way into the family room to where it was and before I got to it it had stopped ringing. Then my phone started to ring but by the time I tried to find my phone in my jacket pockets it had stopped. Just my luck. Then the house phone started to go so I made my way to that and answered it in time.

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